Uniform boundedness and convergence of solutions to the systems with cross-diffusions dominated by self-diffusions

https://doi.org/10.1016/S1468-1218(02)00014-7Get rights and content


Uniform boundedness and convergence of global solutions are proved for quasilinear parabolic systems with cross-diffusions dominated by self-diffusions in population dynamics. Gagliardo–Nirenberg-type inequalities are used in the estimates of solutions in order to establish W21-bounds uniform in time. In each step of estimates the contribution of the diffusion coefficients is emphasized, and it is concluded that the uniform bound remains independent of the growth of the diffusion coefficient in the system. Hence, convergence of solutions is established for systems with large diffusion coefficients.


In this paper we study the following quasilinear parabolic system in population dynamics:ut=Δ[(d111u+α12v)u]+(a1−b1u−c1v)uinΩ×(0,∞),vt=Δ[(d221u+α22v)v]+(a2−b2u−c2v)vinΩ×(0,∞),∂u∂ν=∂v∂ν=0on∂Ω×(0,∞),u(x,0)=u0(x)⩾0,v(x,0)=v0(x)⩾0inΩ̄,where Ω⊂Rn is a bounded smooth domain and αij⩾0,di,ai,bi,ci are positive constants for i,j=1,2. System (1.1) was proposed by Shigesada et al. [13] in 1979 in an attempt to model spatial segregation phenomena between two competing species. In system (1.1) u and v are nonnegative functions which represent the population densities of two competing species. d1 and d2 are the diffusion rates of the two species, respectively. a1 and a2 denote the intrinsic growth rates, b1 and c2 account for intra-specific competitions, b2 and c1 are the coefficients for inter-specific competitions. When α11=α12=α21=α22=0, (1.1) reduces to the well-known Lotka–Voltera competition–diffusion system. α11 and α22 are usually referred as self-diffusion, and α12,α21 are cross-diffusion pressures. By adopting the coefficients αij(i,j=1,2) system (1.1) takes into account the pressures created by mutually competing species. For more details on the backgrounds of this model, we refer the reader to [11], [13].

To describe results on system (1.1) we use the following notation throughout this paper.

Notation. Let Ω be a region in Rn. The norm in Lp(Ω) is denoted by |·|Lp(Ω), 1⩽p⩽∞. The usual Sobolev spaces of real valued functions in Ω with exponent k⩾0 are denoted by Wpk(Ω),1⩽p<∞. And ||·||Wpk(Ω) represents the norm in the Sobolev space Wpk(Ω). For Ω=[0,1]⊂R1 we shall use the simplified notation ||·||k,p for ||·||Wpk(Ω) and |·|p for |·|Lp(Ω).

The local existence of solutions to (1.1) was established by Amann [2], [3], [4]. According to his results system (1.1) has a unique nonnegative solution u(·,t),v(·,t) in C([0,T),Wp1(Ω))∩C((0,T),C(Ω)), where T∈(0,∞] is the maximal existence time for the solution u,v. The following result is also due to Amann [3].

Theorem 1.1

Let u0 and v0 be in Wp1(Ω). System (1.1) possesses a unique nonnegative maximal smooth solution u(x,t),v(x,t)∈C([0,T),Wp1(Ω))∩C(Ω̄×(0,T)) for 0⩽t<T, where p>n and 0<T⩽∞. If the solution satisfies the estimates sup0<t<T||u(·,t)||Wp1(Ω)<∞,sup0<t<T||v(·,t)||Wp1(Ω)<∞, then T=+∞. If, in addition, u0 and v0 are in Wp2(Ω), then u(x,t),v(x,t)∈C([0,∞),Wp2(Ω)), and sup0⩽t<∞||u(·,t)||Wp2(Ω)<∞, sup0⩽t<∞||v(·,t)||Wp2(Ω)<∞.

System (1.1) is a special case of the concrete example (7), (8) in the Introduction of [3], and the results stated in Theorem 1.1 are from the theorem in the Introduction of [3].

So far the existence of nonnegative global solutions for system (1.1) has been proved under very restrictive hypotheses only. Kim [7] proved the global existence of smooth nonnegative solutions for n=1,d1=d2 and α11=α22=0. Deuring [5] showed the global existence of classical positive solutions to system (1.1) with α11=α22=0 and small coefficients depending on the initial values for n⩾1. In the case n=2, Lou et al. [9] proved that system (1.1) with α21=0 has a unique smooth global solution. Yagi [14] established the global existence of smooth nonnegative solutions to system (1.1) for Ω⊂R2 under the condition either 0<α21<8α11,0<α12<8α22 or α2122=0,α11>0. Yagi [14] obtained estimates of Gronwall's type depending on T to prove the global existence. His proof holds for Ω⊂R1 with a minor modification. And yet the qualitative properties of those global solutions have not been proved for system (1.1) in the special cases mentioned above.

We study in this paper system (1.1) for the spatial domain [0,1]⊂R1 under the condition0<α21<8α11,0<α12<8α22as Yagi [14]. System (1.1) is rewritten as follows:ut=(d1u+α11u212uv)xx+u(a1−b1u−c1v)in[0,1]×(0,∞),vt=(d2v+α21uv+α22v2)xx+v(a2−b2u−c2v)in[0,1]×(0,∞),ux(x,t)=vx(x,t)=0atx=0,1,u(x,0)=u0(x)⩾0,v(x,0)=v0(x)⩾0in[0,1],where αij,di,ai,bi,ci are positive constants for i,j=1,2. Throughout this paper we assume that the initial functions u0(x),v0(x) are not identically zero and in the function space W21([0,1]).

We first prove the uniform boundedness of the global solutions of system (1.2) under condition (α). Applying Gagliardo–Nirenberg-type inequalities we establish the uniform W21-bound independent of T, the maximal existence time, for the solutions obtained in Theorem 1.1. Thus, we have the global existence and the uniform L-bound of the solutions from Theorem 1.1 and the Sobolev embedding theorems. Especially in each step of estimates of the solution we look for the contribution of the diffusion coefficients d1,d2 and conclude that the uniform bound of the solution is independent of d1,d2 if d1,d2⩾1. Hence for large d1,d2 we obtain convergence results on the solution in the weak competition case. In the strong competition case we construct invariant sets and prove the convergence of the global solutions in those invariant sets for a special case of system (1.2) by using the independence of the uniform bound of the solution of d1,d2⩾1.


Throughout this paper we refer to the condition c1/c2<a1/a2<b1/b2 as the weak competition condition, and the condition b1/b2<a1/a2<c1/c2 as the strong competition condition.

Here we state the main theorems of this paper.

Theorem 1.2

Suppose condition (α) for system (1.2). For the maximal solution (u(x,t),v(x,t)) of system (1.2) as in Theorem 1.1 there exist positive constants t0,M′=M′(diij,ai,bi,ci,i,j=1,2), and M=M(di,αij,ai,bi,ci,i,j=1,2) such thatmax{||u(·,t)||1,2,||v(·,t)||1,2:t∈(t0,T)}⩽M′,max{u(x,t),v(x,t):(x,t)∈[0,1]×(t0,T)}⩽Mand T=+∞. In the case d1,d2⩾1, and d̄⩽d2/d1d̄, where d̄,d̄ are positive constants, the constants M′,M are independent of d1,d2⩾1, that is, Mand M depend only on d̄,d̄,αij,ai,bi,ci,i,j=1,2.

Theorem 1.3

Suppose condition (α), the weak competition condition, and that u0,v0 are in W22([0,1]) for system (1.2). If d1,d2⩾1 satisfy that(b22α122ū2+c12α212v̄2)M2<4b2c1ūv̄d1d2,where M is the positive constant in Theorem 1.2,(ū,v̄)=a1c2−a2c1b1c2−b2c1,b1a2−b2a1b1c2−b2c1,then the solution (u(t),v(t)) converges to (ū,v̄) uniformly in [0,1] as t→∞, and (ū,v̄) is globally asymptotically stable.


Lou and Ni [8] have drawn the same convergence result as in Theorem 1.3 from different assumptions that α11⩾(γ/8)α21 and α22⩾(1/8γ)α12, where γ=c1v̄/b2ū.

Theorem 1.4

Suppose condition (α) and the strong competition condition for system (1.2) and also that d1=d2=d,α1121=α,α1222. We assume that b1/b2<1⩽a1/a2, and4a2−4a1b2b1+a1c12b12<0.Let d⩾1 satisfies thatd>M2α22,where M is the positive constant in Theorem 1.2 independent of d⩾1. For k⩽(b2−b1)/(c1−c2),k<k0, where k0=(a1/a22b1)(2a1c2−a2c1)+(2a1/a22b1)a22b1(a1b2−a2b1)+a12c2(a1c2−a2c1), the region Σk≔{(u,v)|u⩾0,v⩾0,vku} is a domain of attraction of (a1/b1,0) for system (1.2) in the sense that if {(u0(x),v0(x))|x∈[0,1]}⊂Σk and u0,v0W22([0,1]), then the solution (u(x,t),v(x,t)) of (1.2) converges to (a1/b1,0) uniformly in [0,1] as t→∞.


The following are some example sets of constants which satisfy all the conditions in Theorem 1.4.α=β=1,d⪢1,α=β=1,d⪢1,a1=1,b1=1,c1=2,a1=1,b1=1,c1=3,a2=1,b2=3,c2=1,a2=12,b2=3,c2=1,k0=2,b2−b1c1−c2=2.k0=4(12+12)≈4.82843,b2−b1c1−c2=1.

The proofs of Theorem 1.3, Theorem 1.4 are given in 2 Convergence in the weak competition case, 3 Convergence in the strong competition case, respectively. In Section 4 we collect calculus inequalities which are necessary for the proof of Theorem 1.2. Theorem 1.2 is proved in Section 5.

Section snippets

Convergence in the weak competition case

Proof of Theorem 1.3

In this proof we consider the weak competition case of the competition coefficients, that is, c1/c2<a1/a2<b1/b2. By the strong maximum principle and the Hopf boundary lemma for parabolic equations ([12]), u(x,t)>0 and v(t,x)>0 in [0,1]×(0,∞). Using the functional H(u,v) defined in the following we observe the convergence of global solutions of system (1.2):H(u,v)=01b2u−ūūloguū+c1v−v̄v̄logvv̄dx,where(ū,v̄)=a1c2−a2c1b1c2−b2c1,b1a2−b2a1b1c2−b2c1is the stable constant steady state of system

Convergence in the strong competition case

We study in this section convergence of solutions to system (1.2) in the strong competition case, that is, b1/b2<a1/a2<c1/c2. In order to construct an invariant set for the solution of system (1.2) we assume in this section that d1=d2=d,α1121=α,α1222 and rewrite system (1.2) into the following system:ut=[(d+αu+βv)u]xx+uf(u,v)in[0,1]×(0,∞),vt=[(d+αu+βv)v]xx+vg(u,v)in[0,1]×(0,∞),ux(x,t)=vx(x,t)=0atx=0,1,u(x,0)=u0(x)⩾0,v(x,0)=v0(x)⩾0in[0,1],where f(u,v)=a1−b1u−c1v,g(u,v)=a2−b2u−c2v.

In Lemma

Calculus inequalities

Theorem 4.1

Let Ω∈Rn be a bounded domain with ∂Ω in Cm. For every function u in Wm,r(Ω),1⩽q,r⩽∞, the derivative Dju,0⩽j<m, satisfies the inequality|Dju|p⩽C(|Dmu|ra|u|q1−a+|u|q),where 1/p=j/n+a(1/rm/n)+(1−a)1/q, for all a in the interval j/ma<1, provided one of the following three conditions is satisfied:

  • (i)


  • (ii)

    0<n(rq)/mrq<1, or

  • (iii)

    n(rq)/mrq=1 and mn/q is not a nonnegative integer.

(The positive constant C depends only on n,m,j,q,r,a.)


We refer the reader to Friedman [6] or Nirenberg [10] for the proof of this

Uniform boundedness

Proof of Theorem 1.2

Step 1: Taking integration of the first equation of (1.2) over the domain [0,1], we haveddt01u(t)dx=01(a1u−b1u2−c1uv)dx⩽a101u(t)dx−b101u2(t)dx⩽a101u(t)dx−b101u(t)dx2.In the case that 01u0dx<a1/b1 we have that 01u(t)dx⩽a1/b1 for all t>0. In the case that 01u0dx⩾a1/b1 there exist positive constants δ and τ0′ such that 01u(t)dx<δ+a1/b1 for all t∈(τ0′,∞).

We estimate 01v(t)dx similarly and conclude that there exist positive constants τ0 and M0=M0(ai,bi,ci,i,j=1,2) such that01u(t)dx<M0,01


The author thanks Professor Wei-Ming Ni for his helpful discussions. This work is partially supported by NSF.

References (14)

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Cited by (24)

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    2013, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications
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    In recent years, the stage-structured models have been studied extensively, and many important phenomena have been observed (see e.g. [1–4] and the references therein). In recent years, the SKT type cross-diffusion systems have attracted much attention of a great number of investigators and have been successfully developed on the theoretical backgrounds [7–15] (see also the references therein). The above work mainly concentrates on: (1) the instability and stability induced by cross-diffusion, and the existence of nonconstant positive steady-state solutions [7,8]; (2) the global existence of strong solutions [9–11]; (3) the global existence of weak solutions based on semi-discretization or finite element approximation [12,13]; and (4) the asymptotic behavior [14,15].

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