On permanence of all subsystems of competitive Lotka–Volterra systems with delays

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nonrwa.2010.05.015Get rights and content


In this paper, permanence for a class of competitive Lotka–Volterra systems is considered that have distributed delays and constant coefficients on interaction terms and have time dependent growth rate vectors with an asymptotic average. A computable necessary and sufficient condition is found for the permanence of all subsystems of the system and its small perturbations on the interaction matrix. This is a generalization from systems without delays to delayed systems of Ahmad and Lazer’s work on total permanence (S. Ahmad, A.C. Lazer, Average growth and total permanence in a competitive Lotka–Volterra system, Ann. Mat. 185 (2006) S47–S67). In addition to Ahmad and Lazer’s example showing that permanence does not imply total permanence, another example of permanent system is given having a non-permanent subsystem. As a particular case, a necessary and sufficient condition is given for all subsystems of the corresponding autonomous system to be permanent. As this condition does not rely on the delays, it actually shows the equivalence between such permanence of systems with delays and that of corresponding systems without delays. Moreover, this permanence property is still retained by systems as a small perturbation of the original system.


In the context of differential equations, a class of systems of Lotka–Volterra type differential equations have the form xi(t)=xi(t)fi(t,x),iIN, where, for any positive integer m, Im={1,2,,m} and for a fixed positive integer N and each iIN, fi is vaguely described as a continuous function of (t,x) (without delays) or functional (with finite or infinite delays). Since a particular case of (1) was established and analyzed in the 1920s as a mathematical model of population growth of a community of N species, where xi(t) denotes the population size of the ith species at time t, the study of such systems is mainly restricted to the nonnegative cone R+N={xRN:iIN,xi0}. In particular, solutions of (1) are mostly considered in the interior of R+N, intR+N={xR+N:iIN,xi>0}. Ecologically, one concern about the community is whether all species can coexist uniformly, i.e. each species has an ultimate positive lower bound and an upper bound regardless of its starting population. This is mathematically gauged by the concept of permanence. A system is called permanent if there are r>0 and M>r such that every solution of the system in intR+N satisfies rxi(t)M for all iIN and all sufficiently large t.

Ahmad and Lazer [1] (or [2]) showed by an example that a permanent system may have non-permanent subsystems (see Section 2 for another example). However, in some situation, a condition for permanence of a system also ensures permanence of all subsystems. Earlier observations on this point can be found in [3]. The main focus of this paper is on a condition for all subsystems to be permanent.

The simplest instance of (1) is the autonomous Lotka–Volterra system of ordinary differential equations having the form xi=xi(biAix),iIN, where Ai is the ith row of a matrix A=(aij) and the bi and aij are constant real numbers. For (2) to be permanent, sufficient conditions as well as necessary conditions can be found in [4], [5]. For autonomous systems of the form xi=xifi(x), Schreiber [6] investigated Cr robust permanence (i.e., the permanence of the system and its sufficiently small Cr perturbations). Based on this theory, Mierczyński and Schreiber [7] obtained necessary and sufficient conditions for all subsystems of a Kolmogorov system (including the system itself) to be (C1) robustly permanent. The following theorem is the result of a simple application of one of the conditions to (2).

Theorem 1 [7, Corollary 3.1]

Assume (2) is dissipative. Then all subsystems of (2) are robustly permanent if and only if for every IINthere is a unique equilibrium xI inCI0={xR+N:xj>0if and only ifjINI}such that AixI<bi for all iI.

Parallel to system (2), the nonautonomous instances of (1) without delays are xi(t)=xi(t)[ri(t)Aix(t)],iIN and xi(t)=xi(t)[r̃i(t)Ai(t)x(t)],iIN, where the ri(t) and r̃i(t) are continuous functions from R0=(,), (c,) or [c,) for some cR to R, the Ai are the same as in (2) and the Ai(t)=(ai1(t),,aiN(t)) are continuous from R0 to R+N. Although there are many investigations dealing with permanence related problems of (4), (5) and their variations, we only quote [8], [9], [1], [10], [11], [12], [13], [14], [15] and the references therein as examples, with most of them providing sufficient or necessary conditions for permanence. A commonly used technique is the employment of the average m(g,t1,t2)=1t2t1t1t2g(t)dt of a function g. Ahmad and Lazer [11] investigated the permanence of competitive systems (4), (5) under the assumptions that the ri(t), r̃i(t) and aii(t) have positive lower and upper bounds, that the aij(t) are bounded and nonnegative, and that r:R0R+N satisfies iIN,limtm(ri,t0,t)=biuniformly fort0R0. It is noted from [11] that a large class of functions, including periodic and almost periodic functions, satisfy (7). System (5) can be viewed as an ε-perturbation of (4) if i,jIN,tR0,|r̃i(t)ri(t)|ε,|aij(t)aij|ε. Ahmad and Lazer [11] introduced the concept of total permanence of (4) as the existence of ε>0 such that all subsystems of (5) satisfying (8) are permanent. Obviously, the example given in [1] or [2] shows that permanence does not imply total permanence. As an analogue of Theorem 1 for (2), we have the following nice result for (4), (5).

Theorem 2 [11]

System (4) with (7), b=(b1,,bN)TintR+N, AR+N×N, aii>0 for iIN is totally permanent if and only if b and A satisfy the (IJ)-conditions (to be defined in Section  3).

The aim of this paper is to investigate permanence of competitive Lotka–Volterra systems with delays and extend Theorem 1, Theorem 2 to such systems.

As another instance of (1) we consider the following autonomous system with distributed delays, xi(t)=xi(t)[bij=1Naijτ0xj(t+θ)dξij(θ)],iIN, where the bi and aij are real valued constants, τ>0, and the ξij are nondecreasing functions from any open interval containing [τ,0] to R+ satisfying ξij(0+)ξij(τ)=1 for all i,jIN. For some particular cases of (9) when N=2, some necessary, sufficient or necessary and sufficient conditions for the permanence of (9) can be found in [16], [17], [18], [19], [20], [21], [22] and the references therein. Kuang observed the relationship between (2), (9) and made the conjecture that system (9) is permanent if and only if (2) is permanent. Chen, Lu and Wang [21] showed by examples that this conjecture is not true for cooperative systems. Is it true for competitive systems and predator–prey systems? We cannot answer this question directly but, indirectly, we shall see that the property of (2) secured by Theorem 1 is not affected by the delays in (9).

Finally, another large class of systems as instances of (1) are nonautonomous systems with delays. Consider the systems xi(t)=xi(t)[ri(t)j=1Naijτ0xj(t+θ)dξij(θ)],iIN and xi(t)=xi(t)[r̃i(t)j=1Nτ0xj(t+θ)dθηij(t,θ)],iIN, where the ri(t) and r̃i(t) are the same as in (4), (5), the aij and ξij are the same as in (9), and each ηij(t,θ) is of bounded variation in θ[τ,0] for each fixed tR0 and τ0φ(θ)dθηij(t,θ) is continuous in t for each fixed φC([τ,0],R). Various conditions for permanence of (10), (11) or systems of other forms with delays can be found in [23], [24], [25], [22], [26], [27], [28], [29] and the related references quoted there. In this paper, we shall extend Theorem 2 for (4) to systems (10), (11). This will effectively show that the property of (4) described by Theorem 2 is independent of the delays in (10), (11).

Section snippets

Another example of a permanent system with a non-permanent subsystem

It is known from [1] or [2] that a permanent system may have non-permanent subsystems. For convenience, we present another example in this section. Consider system (2) with N=3, b=(111),A=( Since det(A+AT)=||=0.52>0 and the principal minors of A+AT are all positive, A+AT is positive definite. As x=(430653,230653,120653)T is an equilibrium of (2) with (12), by [17, Theorem 3.2.1]x is globally asymptotically stable in intR+3 so the system is

Main results

We shall rewrite the equations appeared in Section 1 for convenience. First we consider autonomous competitive Lotka–Volterra systems with delays having the form xi(t)=xi(t)[bij=1Naijτ0xj(t+θ)dξij(θ)],iIN, where τ0, the ξij are nondecreasing satisfying i,jIN,ξij(0+)ξij(τ)=1, and i,jIN,bi>0,aii>0,aij0. For any nonempty subset JIN, the system xi(t)=xi(t)[bijJaijτ0xj(t+θ)dξij(θ)],iJ is a |J|-dimensional subsystem of (14). Let πi={xR+N:xi=0},iIN,γi={xR+N:Aix=bi},iIN. Then


In this section, as a preparation for the proofs of the theorems we present a few simple results for system (26) satisfying (28), (30), (31). Since systems (14), (25) can be regarded as special cases of (26), certainly these preliminary results can be applied to (14), (25). For φC([τ,0],R+N) and t0R0, the solution of (26) with xt0=φ is denoted by x(t,t0,φ) with xt(t0,φ)C([τ,0],R+N) or by x(t) for simplicity. For autonomous system (14), we always replace t0 by 0 in (34) and write x(t,φ)

Proofs of the “only if” part of Theorems 3 and 4

Lemma 5

Assume that (25) with (27), (29), (15) are permanent. Then (20) has an equilibrium xintR+N . If x is the unique equilibrium of (20) in intR+N, then for each t0R0, every solution of (25) with (34) in intR+N on [t0,) satisfiesiIN,limtm(xi,t0,t)=xi.


By assumption, there are δ1>0 and δ2>δ1 such that every solution of (25) in intR+N satisfies iIN,δ1xi(t)δ2 for sufficiently large t. Dividing (25) by xi(t) and integrating both sides from t0 to t, we have lnxi(t)xi(t0)=t0tri(s)dsj=1Naij

Proof of Theorem 5

In this section, we shall prove that, when b and A satisfy the (IJ)-conditions, all subsystems of system (26) as an ε-perturbation of (25) are permanent for sufficiently small ε>0. The method of [11] is adopted here.

Suppose b and A satisfy the (IJ)-conditions. By Remark 1, (20) satisfies Condition (C). As each equilibrium xI of (20) in CI0 depends on b linearly, there is a small ε0>0 with ε0<min{b1,b2,,bN} such that for each b̃ in B(b,ε0)={xintR+N:iIN,|xibi|ε0},(20) with the

An example

Consider the three-dimensional system xi(t)=xi(t)[r̃i(t)j=13aij(t)xj(tτij(t))],iI3, where the aij(t) and τij(t) are continuous, bounded and nonnegative on [0,) and each aii(t) has a positive lower bound. Assume that limtτij(t)=τij,i,jI3,limt(aij(t))=A=(212132124),ri(t)=t+1t+2+1i+4sin(it),iI3,t0. Consider also the system xi(t)=xi(t)[ri(t)j=13aijxj(tτij)],iI3. Then, for bintR+3 with b1=b2=b3=1, r(t) satisfies iI3,limtm(ri,t0,t)=biuniformly fort00. It can be checked


The author is grateful to the referees for their corrections and suggestions for improvement of the paper adopted in this final version.

References (31)

Cited by (16)

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    □ This follows from the proof of [10, Lemma 7] with minor adjustments and the replacement of [10, Lemma 2] by Lemma 6. □

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    2012, Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications
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    Although such a phenomenon may rarely exist in the real world, the above example shows its existence in theory. It seems that the assumption (8) was first introduced by Ahmad and Lazer [3] for (10) and adopted in [4–7] and others. A large class of functions including constants, periodic functions and almost periodic functions are covered by (8).

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    2011, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications
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    The two examples given below show that the condition of Theorem 2 is independent of the condition of Theorem 3. Just as commented in [13], the asymptotic behaviour of the solutions of (10) conveyed by Theorems 2 and 3 is not affected by the delays since the conditions of the theorems do not involve the delays at all. [13, Lemmas 1, 2]

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