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Spherical classes and the algebraic transfer
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by Nguyẽn H. V. Hu’ng PDF
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 349 (1997), 3893-3910 Request permission

Erratum: Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 355 (2003), 3841-3842.


We study a weak form of the classical conjecture which predicts that there are no spherical classes in $Q_0S^0$ except the elements of Hopf invariant one and those of Kervaire invariant one. The weak conjecture is obtained by restricting the Hurewicz homomorphism to the homotopy classes which are detected by the algebraic transfer. Let $P_k=\mathbb {F}_2[x_1,\ldots ,x_k]$ with $|x_i|=1$. The general linear group $\mathrm {GL}_k=GL(k,\mathbb {F}_2)$ and the (mod 2) Steenrod algebra $\mathcal {A}$ act on $P_k$ in the usual manner. We prove that the weak conjecture is equivalent to the following one: The canonical homomorphism $j_k:\mathbb {F}_2 \underset {\mathcal {A}}{\otimes } (P_k^{\mathrm {GL}_k})\to (\mathbb {F}_2 \underset {\mathcal {A}}{\otimes } P_k)^{\mathrm {GL}_k}$ induced by the identity map on $P_k$ is zero in positive dimensions for $k>2$. In other words, every Dickson invariant (i.e. element of $P_k^{\mathrm {GL}_k}$) of positive dimension belongs to $\mathcal {A}^+ \cdot P_k$ for $k>2$, where $\mathcal {A} ^+$ denotes the augmentation ideal of $\mathcal {A}$. This conjecture is proved for $k=3$ in two different ways. One of these two ways is to study the squaring operation $Sq^0$ on $P(\mathbb {F}_2 \underset {GL_k}{\otimes } P_k^*)$, the range of $j_k^*$, and to show it commuting through $j_k^*$ with Kameko’s $Sq^0$ on $\mathbb {F}_2 \underset {GL_k}{\otimes } P(P_k^*)$, the domain of $j_k^*$. We compute explicitly the action of $Sq^0$ on $P(\mathbb {F}_2 \underset {GL_k}{\otimes } P_k^*)$ for $k \leq 4$.
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Additional Information
  • Nguyẽn H. V. Hu’ng
  • Affiliation: Centre de Recerca Matemàtica, Institut d’Estudis Catalans, Apartat 50, E–08193 Bellaterra, Barcelona, España
  • Address at time of publication: Department of Mathematics, University of Hanoi, 90 Nguyẽn Trãi Street, Hanoi, Vietnam
  • Email:
  • Received by editor(s): April 7, 1995
  • Additional Notes: The research was supported in part by the DGU through the CRM (Barcelona).
  • Journal: Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 349 (1997), 3893-3910
  • MSC (1991): Primary 55P47, 55Q45, 55S10, 55T15
  • DOI:
  • MathSciNet review: 1433119