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Statistical summability (C,1) and a Korovkin type approximation theorem


The concept of statistical summability (C,1) has recently been introduced by Móricz [Jour. Math. Anal. Appl. 275, 277-287 (2002)]. In this paper, we use this notion of summability to prove the Korovkin type approximation theorem by using the test functions 1, e x , e 2 x . We also give here the rate of statistical summability (C,1) and apply the classical Baskakov operator to construct an example in support of our main result.

MSC:41A10, 41A25, 41A36, 40A30, 40G15.

1 Introduction and preliminaries

In 1951, Fast [6] presented the following definition of statistical convergence for sequences of real numbers. Let KN, the set of all natural numbers and K n ={kn:kK}. Then the natural density of K is defined by δ(K)= lim n n 1 | K n | if the limit exists, where the vertical bars indicate the number of elements in the enclosed set. The sequence x=( x k ) is said to be statistically convergent to L if for every ϵ;0, the set K ϵ :={kN:| x k L|ϵ} has natural density zero, i.e., for each ϵ;0,

lim n 1 n | { j n : | x j L | ϵ } | =0.

In this case, we write L=st-limx. Note that every convergent sequence is statistically convergent but not conversely. Define the sequence w=( w n ) by

w n = { 1 if n = k 2 , k N , 0 otherwise.

Then x is statistically convergent to 0 but not convergent.

Recently, Móricz [12] has defined the concept of statistical summability (C,1) as follows:

For a sequence x=( x k ), let us write t n = 1 n + 1 k = 0 n x k . We say that a sequence x=( x k ) is statistically summable(C,1) if st- lim n t n =L. In this case, we write L= C 1 (st)-limx.

In the following example, we exhibit that a sequence is statistically summable (C,1) but not statistically convergent. Define the sequence x=( x k ) by

x k = { 1 if k = m 2 m , m 2 m + 1 , , m 2 1 , m if k = m 2 , m = 2 , 3 , 4 , , 0 otherwise.


t n = 1 n + 1 k = 0 n x k = { s + 1 n + 1 if n = m 2 m + s ; s = 0 , 1 , 2 , , m 1 ; m = 2 , 3 , , 0 otherwise.

It is easy to see that lim n t n =0 and hence st- lim n t n =0, i.e., a sequence x=( x k ) is statistically summable (C,1) to 0. On the other hand st-lim inf k x k =0 and st-lim sup k x k =1, since the sequence ( m 2 ) m = 2 is statistically convergent to 0. Hence x=( x k ) is not statistically convergent.

Let C[a,b] be the space of all functions f continuous on [a,b]. We know that C[a,b] is a Banach space with norm

f := sup x [ a , b ] | f ( x ) | ,fC[a,b].

The classical Korovkin approximation theorem is stated as follows [9]:

Let ( T n ) be a sequence of positive linear operators from C[a,b] into C[a,b]. Then lim n T n ( f , x ) f ( x ) =0, for all fC[a,b] if and only if lim n T n ( f i , x ) f i ( x ) =0, for i=0,1,2, where f 0 (x)=1, f 1 (x)=x and f 2 (x)= x 2 .

Recently, Mohiuddine [10] has obtained an application of almost convergence for single sequences in Korovkin-type approximation theorem and proved some related results. For the function of two variables, such type of approximation theorems are proved in [1] by using almost convergence of double sequences. Quite recently, in [13] and [14] the Korovkin type theorem is proved for statistical λ-convergence and statistical lacunary summability, respectively. For some recent work on this topic, we refer to [5, 7, 8, 11, 15, 16]. Boyanov and Veselinov [3] have proved the Korovkin theorem on C[0,) by using the test functions 1, e x , e 2 x . In this paper, we generalize the result of Boyanov and Veselinov by using the notion of statistical summability (C,1) and the same test functions 1, e x , e 2 x . We also give an example to justify that our result is stronger than that of Boyanov and Veselinov [3].

2 Main result

Let C(I) be the Banach space with the uniform norm of all real-valued two dimensional continuous functions on I=[0,); provided that lim x f(x) is finite. Suppose that L n :C(I)C(I). We write L n (f;x) for L n (f(s);x); and we say that L is a positive operator if L(f;x)0 for all f(x)0.

The following statistical version of Boyanov and Veselinov’s result can be found in [4].

Theorem A Let( T k )be a sequence of positive linear operators fromC(I)intoC(I). Then for allfC(I)

st- lim k T k ( f ; x ) f ( x ) =0

if and only if

st - lim k T k ( 1 ; x ) 1 = 0 , st - lim k T k ( e s ; x ) e x = 0 , st - lim k T k ( e 2 s ; x ) e 2 x = 0 .

Now we prove the following result by using the notion of statistical summability (C,1).

Theorem 2.1 Let( T k )be a sequence of positive linear operators fromC(I)intoC(I). Then for allfC(I)

C 1 (st)- lim k T k ( f ; x ) f ( x ) =0

if and only if

C 1 (st)- lim k T k ( 1 ; x ) 1 =0,
C 1 (st)- lim k T k ( e s ; x ) e x =0,
C 1 (st)- lim k T k ( e 2 s ; x ) e 2 x =0.

Proof Since each of 1, e x , e 2 x belongs to C(I), conditions (2.2)-(2.4) follow immediately from (2.1). Let fC(I). Then there exists a constant M;0 such that |f(x)|M for xI. Therefore,

| f ( s ) f ( x ) | 2M,;s,x;.

It is easy to prove that for a given ε;0 there is a δ;0 such that

| f ( s ) f ( x ) | ε,

whenever | e s e x |δ for all xI.

Using (2.5), (2.6), and putting ψ 1 = ψ 1 (s,x)= ( e s e x ) 2 , we get

| f ( s ) f ( x ) | ε+ 2 M δ 2 ( ψ 1 ),|sx|δ.

This is,

ε 2 M δ 2 ( ψ 1 )f(s)f(x)ε+ 2 M δ 2 ( ψ 1 ).

Now, applying the operator T k (1;x) to this inequality, since T k (f;x) is monotone and linear, we obtain

T k (1;x) ( ε 2 M δ 2 ( ψ 1 ) ) T k (1;x) ( f ( s ) f ( x ) ) T k (1;x) ( ε + 2 M δ 2 ( ψ 1 ) ) .

Note that x is fixed and so f(x) is a constant number. Therefore,

ε T k (1;x) 2 M δ 2 T j , k ( ψ 1 ;x) T k (f;x)f(x) T k (1;x)ε T k (1;x)+ 2 M δ 2 T k ( ψ 1 ;x).


T k ( f ; x ) f ( x ) = T k ( f ; x ) f ( x ) T k ( 1 ; x ) + f ( x ) T k ( 1 ; x ) f ( x ) = T k ( f ; x ) f ( x ) T k ( 1 ; x ) + f ( x ) [ T k ( 1 ; x ) 1 ] .

It follows from (2.7) and (2.8) that

T k (f;x)f(x)ε T k (1;x)+ 2 M δ 2 T k ( ψ 1 ;x)+f(x) [ T k ( 1 ; x ) 1 ] .


T k ( ψ 1 ; x ) = T k ( ( e s e x ) 2 ; x ) = T k ( e 2 s 2 e s e x + e 2 x ; x ) = T k ( e 2 s ; x ) 2 e x T k ( e s ; x ) + e 2 x T k ( 1 ; x ) = [ T k ( e 2 s ; x ) e 2 x ] 2 e x [ T k ( e s ; x ) e x ] + e 2 x [ T k ( 1 ; x ) 1 ] .

Using (2.9), we obtain

T k ( f ; x ) f ( x ) ε T k ( 1 ; x ) + 2 M δ 2 { [ T k ( e 2 s ; x ) e 2 x ] 2 e x [ T k ( e s ; x ) e x ] + e 2 x [ T k ( 1 ; x ) 1 ] } + f ( x ) [ T k ( 1 ; x ) 1 ] = ε [ T k ( 1 ; x ) 1 ] + ε + 2 M δ 2 { [ T k ( e 2 s ; x ) e 2 x ] 2 e x [ T k ( e s ; x ) e x ] + e 2 x [ T k ( 1 ; x ) 1 ] } + f ( x ) [ T k ( 1 ; x ) 1 ] .


| T k ( f ; x ) f ( x ) | ε + ( ε + M ) | T k ( 1 ; x ) 1 | + 2 M δ 2 | T k ( e 2 s ; x ) e 2 x | + 4 M δ 2 | e x | | T k ( e s ; x ) e x | + 2 M δ 2 | e 2 x | | T k ( 1 ; x ) 1 | ε + ( ε + M + 2 M δ 2 ) | T k ( 1 ; x ) 1 | + 2 M δ 2 | T k ( e 2 s ; x ) e 2 x | + 4 M δ 2 | T k ( e s ; x ) e x | ,

since | e x |1 for all xI. Now taking sup x I , we get

T k ( f ; x ) f ( x ) ε + K ( T k ( 1 ; x ) 1 + T k ( e s ; x ) e x + T k ( e 2 s ; x ) e 2 x ) ,

where K=max{ε+M+ 2 M δ 2 , 2 M δ 2 , 4 M δ 2 }.

Now replacing T k (,x) by 1 m + 1 k = 0 m T k (,x) and then by B m (,x) in (2.10) on both sides. For a given r;0 choose ε ;0 such that ε r . Define the following sets

D = { m n : B m ( f , x ) f ( x ) r } , D 1 = { m n : B m ( 1 , x ) 1 r ε 3 K } , D 2 = { m n : B m ( t , x ) e x r ε 3 K } , D 3 = { m n : B m ( t 2 , x ) e 2 x r ε 3 K } .

Then D D 1 D 2 D 3 , and so δ(D)δ( D 1 )+δ( D 2 )+δ( D 3 ). Therefore, using conditions (2.2)-(2.4), we get

C 1 (st)- lim n T n ( f , x ) f ( x ) =0.

This completes the proof of the theorem. □

3 Rate of statistical summability (C,1)

In this section, we study the rate of weighted statistical convergence of a sequence of positive linear operators defined from C(I) into C(I).

Definition 3.1 Let ( a n ) be a positive nonincreasing sequence. We say that the sequence x=( x k ) is statistically summable (C,1) to the number L with the rate o( a n ) if for every ε;0,

lim n 1 a n | { m n : | t m L | ε } | =0.

In this case, we write x k L= C 1 (st)o( a n ).

Now, we recall the notion of modulus of continuity. The modulus of continuity of fC(I), denoted by ω(f,δ) is defined by

ω(f,δ)= sup | x y | δ | f ( x ) f ( y ) | .

It is well known that

| f ( x ) f ( y ) | ω(f,δ) ( | e y e x | δ + 1 ) .

Then we have the following result.

Theorem 3.2 Let( T k )be a sequence of positive linear operators fromC(I)intoC(I). Suppose that

  1. (i)

    T k ( 1 ; x ) 1 = C 1 (st)o( a n ),

  2. (ii)

    ω(f, λ k )= C 1 (st)o( b n ), where λ k = T k ( φ x ; x ) and φ x (y)= ( e y e x ) 2 .

Then for allfC(I), we have

T k ( f ; x ) f ( x ) = C 1 (st)o( c n ),

where c n =max{ a n , b n }.

Proof Let fC(I) and xI. From (2.8) and (3.1), we can write

| T k ( f ; x ) f ( x ) | T k ( | f ( y ) f ( x ) | ; x ) + | f ( x ) | | T k ( 1 ; x ) 1 | T k ( | e y e x | δ + 1 ; x ) ω ( f , δ ) + | f ( x ) | | T k ( 1 ; x ) 1 | T k ( 1 + 1 δ 2 ( e y e x ) 2 ; x ) ω ( f , δ ) + | f ( x ) | | T k ( 1 ; x ) 1 | ( T k ( 1 ; x ) + 1 δ 2 T k ( φ x ; x ) ) ω ( f , δ ) + | f ( x ) | | T k ( 1 ; x ) 1 | ω ( f , δ ) | T k ( 1 ; x ) 1 | + | f | | T k ( 1 ; x ) 1 | + ω ( f , δ ) + 1 δ 2 ω ( f , δ ) T k ( φ x ; x ) .

Put δ= λ k = T k ( φ x ; x ) . Hence, we get

T k ( f ; x ) f ( x ) f T k ( 1 ; x ) 1 + 2 ω ( f , λ k ) + ω ( f , λ k ) T k ( 1 ; x ) 1 K { T k ( 1 ; x ) 1 + ω ( f , λ k ) + ω ( f , λ k ) T k ( 1 ; x ) 1 } ,

where K=max{f,2}. Now replacing T k (;x) by 1 n + 1 k = 0 n T k (;x)= L n (;x)

L n ( f ; x ) f ( x ) K { L n ( 1 ; x ) 1 + ω ( f , λ k ) + ω ( f , λ k ) T k ( 1 ; x ) 1 } .

Using the Definition 3.1, and conditions (i) and (ii), we get the desired result. □

This completes the proof of the theorem.

4 Example and the concluding remark

In the following, we construct an example of a sequence of positive linear operators satisfying the conditions of Theorem 2.1 but does not satisfy the conditions of the Korovkin approximation theorem due to of Boyanov and Veselinov [3] and the conditions of Theorem A.

Consider the sequence of classical Baskakov operators [2]

V n (f;x):= k = 0 f ( k n ) ( n 1 + k k ) x k ( 1 + x ) n k ,

where 0x, y.

Let L n :C(I)C(I) be defined by

L n (f;x)=(1+ x n ) V n (f;x),

where the sequence x=( x n ) is defined by (1.2). Note that this sequence is statistically summable (C,1) to 0 but neither convergent nor statistically convergent. Now

V n ( 1 ; x ) = 1 , V n ( e s ; x ) = ( 1 + x x e 1 n ) n , V n ( e 2 s ; x 2 ) = ( 1 + x 2 x 2 e 1 n ) n ,

we have that the sequence ( L n ) satisfies the conditions (2.2), (2.3), and (2.4). Hence, by Theorem 2.1, we have

C 1 (st)- lim n L n ( f ) f =0.

On the other hand, we get L n (f;0)=(1+ x n )f(0), since V n (f;0)=f(0), and hence

L n ( f ; x ) f ( x ) | L n ( f ; 0 ) f ( 0 ) | = x n | f ( 0 ) | .

We see that ( L n ) does not satisfy the conditions of the theorem of Boyanov and Veselinov as well as of Theorem A, since ( x n ) is neither convergent nor statistically convergent.

Hence, our Theorem 2.1 is stronger than that of Boyanov and Veselinov [3] as well as Theorem A.


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The authors would like to thank the Deanship of Scientific Research at King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia, for its financial support under Grant No. 409/130/1432.

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Mohiuddine, S.A., Alotaibi, A. & Mursaleen, M. Statistical summability (C,1) and a Korovkin type approximation theorem. J Inequal Appl 2012, 172 (2012).

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