On Cover-Avoiding Subgroups of Sylow Subgroups of Finite Groups

  • Yangming Li

    Guangdong Institute of Education, Guangzhou, China


A subgroup of a finite group is called to have the cover-avoidance property in , is a CAP subgroup of in short, if either covers or avoids every chief factor of . In the present work, we fix a subgroup in every Sylow subgroup of satisfying and study the structure of under the assumption that every subgroup with has the cover-avoidance property in . We state our results in the broader context of formation theory.

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Yangming Li, On Cover-Avoiding Subgroups of Sylow Subgroups of Finite Groups. Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Padova 123 (2010), pp. 249–258

DOI 10.4171/RSMUP/123-13