The Geroch group and non-Hausdorff twistor spaces


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, , Citation N M J Woodhouse and L J Mason 1988 Nonlinearity 1 73 DOI 10.1088/0951-7715/1/1/004



By reducing the Ward correspondence, the authors show that there is a correspondence between stationary axisymmetric solutions of the vacuum Einstein equations and a class of holomorphic vector bundles, over a reduced twistor space, which is a compact one-dimensional, but non-Hausdorff, complex manifold. They show that the solutions generated by Ward's ansatze correspond to bundles which have a simpler behaviour on the 'real axis' in the reduced space. They identify the Geroch group (Kinnersley and Chitre's 'group K' (1978)) with a subgroup of the loop group of GL(2,C) and they describe its orbits. They also identify some of the subgroups which preserve asymptotic flatness.

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