You will be on the List page once you have logged into Mathjobs.Org. The actions available to you are presented as *links* across the top of the page. If you are unfamiliar with what you can do, please first read the information on getting started as MathJobs faculty. If you have any questions, please contact us.
Click on the corresponding links below for the detailed documentation on your available options.
- List ..lists applications received for each job. Review and rate the applicants.
- Search ..for potential applicants. You can access all applicants who have applied for at least one of your open positions
- NoCover view all applicants that are not on your department's applicant list, perhaps because they need a cover sheet
- Wanted view all of the publicly available applicants
- Jobs ..view and print out your department's listed positions
- Help..allows you to send an inquiry via email
- Logout ..logs you out of your MathJobs.Org account
Contact Us
AMS Programs Department
1-800-321-4267, ext. 4060
- Please feel free to directly with any questions or comments you have!