You will be on the List page once you have logged into Mathjobs.Org. The actions available to you are presented as *links* across the top of the page.
Following are steps that most departments will want to take as they get started:
Print materials
Print an application by clicking on the applicant name in the List link or after utilizing the Search link. For more details, see List, Search on the User Guide page.
Use the Dashboard/Toolbar icon in the top corner to pull up a list of commonly used function.
Experiment to learn more
Never enter TEST data into the "real" MathJobs. It is often impossible to delete such data. You will want to use the DEMO VERSION of MathJobs for this.
To try out all the features of the MathJobs.Org system without worry of having to later undo your experiments, utilize the MathJobs DEMO Server, which is accessible from the MathJobs.Org homepage. You can login in as different users (see the main page there for login info), but please do not enter any real data there.