Using the  LIST  option
      The main LIST page

The "List" option will bring up a window similar to the one below as its first, main window.

Let's take a look at the features offered on this page, starting from the top, going down:

  • The *Links* listed in the Mathjobs.Org header are all the actions/options available to you. The first link is "List", which would just reload the List page you are on right now. The other links would take you out of List and into the option associated with the link selected.

  • If you do not have any applications for your job(s) yet, or if you haven't listed any jobs yet, the Application List area will be blank. Once you have applicants for your job(s), they will appear in this list and the following documentation may assist you.

  • Clicking on a letter in the alphabet listing under the Application List header will create a list of only those applicants whose last name begins with that letter. Clicking All brings the full list of applicants onto one screen.

  • To the right of the alphabetic selection, you will see the acronyms you've assigned to your job listings. (e.g., Research Asst. Professor might be "RAP"). Clicking on one of these acronym "nicknames" will toggle the set of applicants to that job on or off the list below. Likewise, you can toggle the active or inactive applicants on and off the list. The job name should be highlighted in green to view it, greyed out to remove it from view.

  • Clicking on one of the column headings: Name, Received, LastUpdated, Degree, Year, Source, Research will re-order your applicant list based the alpha or numeric ordering of the column. Using the X in a column heading will hide it from view; In order to restore the column, click on the small downward arrow in the "Name" box - that will show you all of the columns that have been hidden from view. Click on the one(s) you want to see and they will be restored onto your LIST page.

  • To view, rank, or print an application, click on the name of the applicant, in the Name column. This will bring up a window, which is documented below.

  • Use the custom list link to create your own personal column for the List. To add other existing columns to the List, go to Search from the menu at the top of the page, and follow saved search directions.

      Viewing, Ranking, and Printing your applications

If you click on the name of the applicant in the Name column, a window with the applicant's cover sheet data will come up, appended by a section that allows you to rank the applicant by position, similar to the window below.

Let's take a closer look at this page to clarify what actions are available to you:

  1. In the first row of data, directly below the applicant's name, you'll see links for Reload, PDF, and All.

    • Reload will reload the page anew, undoing any selections you've made.
    • PDF will bring up the applicant's AMS cover sheet in PDF format. Here you will be able to print it out by selecting File | Print...
    • All will bring up all the applicant's materials - AMS cover letter, portfolio items, and reference letters in PDF format. Here you will be able to print it out by selecting File | Print...
  2. Approximately the top half of the page supplies the basic information about this application. The References section is about halfway down the page. Once a letter has been received online from the reference letter writers, you can view and print the item received.

    • To the right of a listed reference, the first link will refer to the actual submitted reference letter and the format it was submitted in. This reference letter format link could be Word, PDF, PostScript, DVI, GIF, JPEG, LaTeX, TeX, RTF, HTML, or TEXT.
    • PDF will bring up the data in PDF format.
  3. The Received Material section is towards the bottom of the page. Once an item has been received online, you can view and print all the material that has been received for this applicant. For each position applied for, the materials will be listed to the right of the position's acronym designation.

    • To the right of a listed item, the first link will refer to the actual submitted material and the format it was submitted in. This item format link could be Word, PDF, PostScript, DVI, GIF, JPEG, LaTeX, TeX, RTF, HTML, or TEXT.
    • PDF will bring up the data in PDF format.
  4. You will be able to rank the applicant in the section at the bottom of the page. Registered MathJobs faculty and staff in your department will have access to your ratings, recommendations, and comments. Each job that the applicant has applied for is listed at the left. To the right of each position are the actions available to you:

    • For each job applied to, there is a drop-down box, Rating, which allows you to rank the applicant for this position with a numeric rating.
    • Next are checkboxes for Short list. Interview, offer and not consider, to be used for whatever purpose you like.
    • Lastly, you can make private notes or mark the file as "read".
  5. Using the "refer this applicant to" feature:

    • Select the faculty members who should see your referral; add a comment in the box if you like.
    • Once faculty A has referred an applicant to faculty B, faculty B will have a 'List only those on my referred list' link on his or her 'Application List' page.
    • Faculty B may click the link to see all the referred applicants. Another way is to click on the yellow happy face icon which will sort the list -- all referred applicants will be listed first with the happy face icon next to their names. Hover the mouse over the icon to see the message.
    • Marking the "email notify" button next to the comment box WILL cause email to be generated to the selected faculty; otherwise, no email is sent.


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