They won't show up in your Application List for the search committee to see until their MathJobs AMS standard coversheet is submitted online (for applicants in the first category), or until they've applied online for a position at your institution (for applicants in the second category).
Let's see what actions you are able to do here:
- Clicking on the "NoCover" link will bring the List of applicants with no cover sheets. These are candidates that were entered by your department's MathJobs administrator at the screen. They are either:
- New applicants that haven't filled out the AMS standard cover sheet here online at Mathjobs yet
- Existing Mathjobs applicants that haven't (yet) applied for a position in your department.
- Below the List of applicants with no cover sheets title, is the list of applicants that fit the above criteria. Their names are active links. Click on a name to bring up an editable Enter a New Applicant form with their information.
- At this Enter a New Applicant form, you'll find text directly below the title. The last sentence in this text says "To enter the cover sheet for this applicant yourself, click here". Clicking on here will bring up a Create A New AMS Cover Sheet for applicant window, for you to fill out and submit for the applicant. This function is normally only used when time had gone by and the applicant has still not applied through mathjobs and the administrator needs the List screen to be complete.
- Also on the Enter a New Applicant form, to the far right of Email Address you'll see a checkbox with Email?. The checkbox is for emailing the applicant being entered. If the checkbox is checked, the applicant will receive an email, asking that they login to MathJobs.Org and enter an AMS coversheet.