Using the  PORTFOLIO  option
 The main PORTFOLIO page

The "Portfolio" option will bring up a window similar to the one below as its first, main window.

The portfolio is where you keep all your job application material. Everything in your portfolio is private; an employer has access to only those items that you have submitted in a job application. The AMS Cover Sheet is required for all jobs ... be sure to fill it out as completely as possible

Let's take a look at the items on this page:

  • The *Links* listed in the Mathjobs.Org header are all the actions/options available to you as the departmental MathJobs administrator. The first link is "Portfolio", which would just reload the Portfolio page you are on right now. The other links would take you out of Portfolio and into the option associated with the link selected.

  • The first item is AMS Standard Cover Sheet. If you have not submitted your AMS cover sheet here at MathJobs.Org yet, you will see a prompt to do so, as is shown in the example window above. Details on creating or updating your cover sheet are below. Again, the AMS Cover Sheet is required for all jobs ... be sure to fill it out as completely as possible.

    If you have already submitted your AMS cover sheet, this item will appear on the "Portfolio" page like this:

    • AMS Standard Cover Sheet   [pdf, form]

    Clicking on the pdf link will bring up your AMS cover sheet in PDF format, which you can then print out and mail to an employer. Clicking on the form link will allow you to add position names that you're applying for, as well as including any references you have listed on your cover sheet, to a PDF copy of your AMS cover sheet that you can print out and mail to an employer.

  • Following the AMS Standard Cover Sheet are the other portfolio items you may need to submit: a Cover Letter, CV, Publication List, Research and Teaching Statements. Details on creating or updating other portfolio items for these categories are below.

    If you have already submitted an item to any of the portfolio categories, this item will appear on the "Portfolio" page like this example:


    • Curriculum Vitae
      • cv #1 [data (format type of file, pdf, 16 bytes)]


  • Clicking on the portfolio category name (here, it is Curriculum Vitae) will allow you to create additional Portfolio entry items.

  • Clicking on the entry item name (e.g., cv #1, in the example above) will allow you to update or delete this portfolio entry. If you wish to replace a file you had specified here earlier, simply upload a new file with the same name to replace the old one on this screen.

  • The next link refers to the actual submitted portfolio material and the format it was submitted in. Clicking on it brings up the data in that format. This portfolio item format link could be Word, PDF, PostScript, DVI, GIF, JPEG, LaTeX, TeX, RTF, HTML, or TEXT.

  • Clicking on the pdf link will bring up your portfolio item in PDF format, which you then then print out and mail to an employer.

  • The last item, add your own..., allows you to add a portfolio category of your own. If you have a document that you want to add to your portfolio but it doesn't fit into any of the above categories, click on this item.

  • On the Create a new portfolio entry form that comes up, leave the Select One showing and then type a new category name into the blank text box after or (for example, "Preprints".)

  • After you have created it, your new portfolio entry will be displayed on this page at the end of the list of portfolio items, with another add your own... link available again below that.

  • See the previous item for more information on working with submitted portfolio items listed on this page. Details on creating or updating your portfolio items are below.

Creating or updating your AMS cover sheet


If you click on the AMS Standard Cover Sheet link a window similar to the one below will come up.

Above is the upper section of the AMS Standard Cover Sheet form. Let's examine what we see here:

Below is the lower portion of the AMS Standard Cover Sheet form.

We will now examine the items in this example window, which shows the lower portion of the AMS Standard Cover Sheet form:

  • If you have not yet submitted a AMS Cover Sheet, you will see the title Create A New AMS Cover Sheet and it will have the topmost section as shown on the example window above.
    • If you have filled out a TeX version of the AMS cover sheet before, you should have a data file (normally called "empcover.dat").
    • You can upload that file by clicking on the browse.. button to select the file from your machine and then click on upload.
    • If you do upload your TeX cover sheet file, be sure to validate the information in the uploaded form.
  • If you have already submitted your AMS cover sheet and you are now updating it, you will see the title Update Your Existing AMS Cover Sheet on this page instead, and the topmost upload section will not be present.
  • If your e-mail address changes (new email server, you move to another institution, etc.), be sure to update it here. Once you update your email address here, you will need to use that new email address to log in to MathJobs.Org to access your account and all its data.
  • The remaining items on the example window of the upper portion of the AMS Standard Cover Sheet page ask for basic information.
  • About halfway down the AMS cover sheet page, you'll see the first item on the example window above,Would you like to be considered for a temporary position?. This item is asking:   If, in the event you are unsuccessful in obtaining the position you are applying for and you want to be considered for other, temporary positions in the department, check the checkbox following the question.

    If you checked the checkbox (indicating "yes"), please, in addition, check the appropriate box(es) below this for the type of time-limited position(s) you would consider. The types of positions you can choose are: Postdoctoral Position, 2+ Year Position, and 1 Year Position.

    Below this you will list your References. The Email address is required. There are also checkboxes above the Name text box that you may want to utilize:


    1. The first checkbox is concerns teaching?. Check here if this person is a teaching reference. Once this is checked, a notation, (teaching), will appear after the Reference's name, which can be seen by an employer when you have applied for one of their positions.
    2. The next checkbox is agreed to be a reference?. Check here if you have contacted this person and they have agreed to be your reference.
    3. After you enter your References and submit the cover sheet, another checkbox, email notify on submit?, will appear the next time you pull up your AMS cover sheet. When you are ready to notify your references, you can edit your AMS cover sheet here, to check this checkbox and resubmit your cover sheet form. An automated email with login information will be sent to your references to request their reference letters.
    4. If the Reference Writer will not be using MathJobs, check the box: "check here to indicate that this writer insists on sending references by postal mail".
    5. Normally new reference writers and the letters they submit will be added to all current applications. Use the "DO NOT" check box to disable this feature.


    • The last section on this form is Questions about your MathJobs.Org account.


      1. The first item here is List me in the "Job Wanted" list .. . The "Job Wanted" (or "Free agent") list, is only accessible by participating employers. Listing yourself here will not prevent you from applying for any jobs listed on MathJobs.Org. Check the checkbox and describe the position you are looking for.

        If you check the checkbox, be sure to also specify an end date in the Listed until text box, below the area for describing your job. By default, a date for the beginning of the next academic year will be listed here, which you can modify. Be sure to specify the end date in the format: YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY/MM/DD, YY-MM-DD, or YY/MM/DD.

      2. If you wish to remove yourself from consideration for any positions for which you've previously applied, click the checkbox I'm off the market .. . Employers whose jobs you have applied for will see an "Off the Market" designation next to your name. You will not be considered for any jobs as long as this is checked. Checking this button will also remove you from the Job Wanted .. list.
      3. The option (Caution!!!) Delete my account (all portfolio files and all references) right now.. will remove your account from the system. It is only available to those who have not yet made any applications.
      4. The last item is Remove my account and all files .. . Once all the jobs you've applied for are finished, you may wish to remove all your data from the system (essentially "delete yourself"). You can check this box if you wish to do this. This will cause your files to be deleted three months after all the jobs you've applied for are marked "finished" by the employer. For applicants who never apply for any jobs, checking this box will cause an account to be deleted after six months. If you have simply moved, you do not need to delete this account and create another one.

        If your e-mail address changes (new email server, you move to another institution, etc.), be sure to update it here. Once you update your email address here, you will need to use that new email address to log in to MathJobs.Org to access your account and all its data.

      • Click on submit button for this information to be submitted for your AMS cover sheet.

Creating, updating or deleting other portfolio entries
  • Cover Letter
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Publication List
  • Research Statement
  • Teaching Statement
  • add your own...

Here you will be able to create or update entries for your Cover Letter, CV, Publication List, Research and Teaching Statements, or any other portfolio category you may wish to create.

  • To the right of Category is a drop-down box with a selection of the portfolio entry categories. Select from : Cover Letter, CV, Publication List, Research Statement, Teaching Statement, or Select One. The category you chose on the Portfolio page will determine which selection, by default, will show up first in this drop-down box. You can accept the default selection or choose a different one.


To create a new, additional category of your own, choose Select One and then type a new category name into the blank text box after or new. An example might be "Preprints". Your new portfolio entry will be displayed on the main Portfolio page at the end of the list of portfolio categories, with an add your own... link below that.

  • Next, enter a meaningful name for this portfolio item at Entry Name.
  • The next section is Data, where you will enter your data or specify your data file.
    • If your portfolio item is a file on your computer, you will use the first item here, Select a file to upload, to do this. Your file can be in any of the following format: PDF, Word, PostScript, DVI, GIF, JPEG, LaTeX, TeX, RTF, HTML, or TEXT. Click on the Browse. button to select a local file from your computer.
    • In the text box just below OR type in text/url/html directly in the following text area, you have another option for entering your portfolio item. You can enter your data in one of three ways:
      1. You can simply type in your letter as plain text right here. Just click on the text box and start typing!
      2. If you have created a web page that contains your reference letter for this applicant, enter the URL for that web page here in the text box.
      3. If you would like to submit your reference letter for this applicant as HTML, enter the HTML here in the text box.


  • If you are creating this portfolio item, you will have the buttons Submit and Reset. If you wish to "reset" (or clear out) this form, the Reset button will set this form back to its original state. Click on Submit to submit this portfolio item.
  • If you are updating or deleting this portfolio item, you will have the buttons Submit, Delete and Reset. If you wish to "reset" (or clear out) this form, the Reset button will set this form back to its original state. Click on Submit to submit the updates for this entry. Click on Delete to delete this portfolio entry.


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