Clicking on the "Snaps" link will bring up a window similar to the one below.
"Snaps" allows you to download, in one zip file, all current application materials. This snapshot is a complete collection of all job application material existing in the database at a given date. A good time to take a snapshot is when your hiring is done, and you need to keep a complete record for a few years.
If you have taken any snapshots before, you will see them listed here by date, most recent first. To look at a given snapshot, just click on the link. You will be shown the complete collection of job application material for that date.
To create a new snapshot, go to the link ...create a new snapshot. If you have taken other snapshots, this link will be the last in the list of links, immediately after the last listed snapshot. If this is your first snapshot, it will be the only link displayed in the body of this screen.
If you request a new snapshot, MathJobs will begin processing all your application materials. It may take a few minutes until it is done. When completed, you will see a new link listed: Snapshot taken on [today's date].