Sample Questions for Config and Job Edit Forms:   [close]

Here are a few sample HTML/CGI source code you can use to produce the intended view for the applicants. Click on Use this below to copy and paste it into your selected form fields:


A simple text field: [Use this]
Any faculty contacts in our department? textfield(-name=>'DeptContacts',-size=>30)
Faculty contacts: ${DeptContacts}
Any faculty contacts in our department?


A simple checkbox and a text field: [Use this]
Are you a U.S. citizen or permanent resident? checkbox(-name=>'USCitizen',-label=>'yes',-value=>'yes') <br />If not, please enter your visa type: textfield(-name=>'VisaType',-size=>20)
U.S. citizen: ${USCitizen}, visa type: ${VisaType}
Are you a U.S. citizen or permanent resident?
If not, please enter your visa type:


A simpe yes/no choice: [Use this]
Are you a Canadian citizen? radio_group(-name=>'CACitizen',-values=>['Yes','No'],-default=>'No')
Canadian citizen: ${CACitizen}
Are you a Canadian citizen?


A simpe checkbox: [Use this]
Will you be attending the joint mathematics meetings next January? checkbox(-name=>'Meeting',-label=>'(yes)',-value=>'yes')
joint meetings: ${Meeting}
Will you be attending the joint mathematics meetings next January?


A pulldown selection and a text field: [Use this]
How did you learn about this position? popup_menu(-name=>'Source', -values=>['Select One', 'Chronicle', 'AMS Notices', 'AMS website', 'AWM Newsletter', 'MAA web site', 'MAA Focus', 'SIAM website', 'SIAM News', 'AmStat', '', 'Our web site', 'Other - please specify:' ],-default=>'Select One') <br />textfield(-name=>'SourceOther',-size=>20)
Source: ${Source}
How did you learn about this position?


An example for the '-required=>n' option: [Use this]
Are you a U.S. citizen or permanent resident? checkbox(-name=>'USCitizen',-label=>'yes',-value=>'yes',-required=>1) <br />If not, please enter your visa type: textfield(-name=>'VisaType',-size=>20,-required=>1)
Rember for all fields with the same '-required=>n', applicants are required to answer at least one of them. Use different 'n' for unrelated fields.
U.S. citizen: ${USCitizen}, visa type: ${VisaType}
Are you a U.S. citizen or permanent resident? *
If not, please enter your visa type: *

######### More examples ###############

[Use this]
popup_menu(-name=>'menu_name', -values=>['Select One','eenie','meenie','minie'], -default=>'Select One')
value label: ${menu_name}

[Use this]
radio_group(-name=>'group_name', -values=>['eenie','meenie','minie'], -default=>'meenie', -linebreak=>0)
value label: ${group_name}

[Use this]
scrolling_list(-name=>'list_name', -values=>['eenie','meenie','minie','moe'], -default=>['eenie','moe'], -size=>5, -multiple=>'true')
value label: ${list_name}

[Use this]
textfield(-name=>'field_name', -size=>50)
value label: ${field_name}

[Use this]
textarea(-name=>'foo', -rows=>10, -columns=>50)
value label: ${foo}

[Use this]
checkbox(-name=>'checkbox_name', -checked=>0, -value=>'Yes')
value label: ${checkbox_name}

[Use this]
checkbox_group(-name=>'group_name', -values=>['eenie','meenie','minie','moe'], -labels=>{ 'eenie'=>'eenie:more text 1', 'meenie'=>'meenie:more text 2', 'minie'=>'minie:more text 3', 'moe'=>'moe:more text 4'}, -default=>['eenie','moe'], -linebreak=>1)
value label: ${group_name}

######### EOE examples ###############

[Use this]
<table BORDER=1> <tr> <td><b>Ethnicity:</b></td> <td>popup_menu(-name=>'EOEEthnicity', -values=>[ 'Hispanic or Latino', 'Not Hispanic or Latino', 'Select One'], -default=>'Select One') </td> </tr><tr> <td><b>Race:</b></td> <td>popup_menu(-name=>'EOERace', -values=>[ 'American Indian or Alaskan Native', 'Asian', 'Black or African American', 'Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander', 'White', 'Other','Select One'], -default=>'Select One') </td> </tr><tr> <td><b>Gender:</b></td> <td>popup_menu(-name=>'EOEGender', -values=>['Male','Female','Select One'], -default=>'Select One') </td> </tr> </table>