To log in, go to the link on the main MathJobs.Org page under the Login subheader, Writer of reference letters. Enter your Email Address and the Password that was given to you in the email you received from MathJobs.
Please note that if you have previously been given a password as a reference writer, you will be asked to use the old password and it will not be repeated in the email. If this causes a problem, then please utilize the "Forgot your password?" option on the login screen.
You will also have two additional options: turn off caching and save my login. The default is neither.
- You can turn off caching if you need extra security. This will prevent any of your MathJobs pages from being stored on your computer. This would also mean that you could not utilize the Back button on your browser, since your previous pages would have not been stored for you.
- Save my login will save your login information for future sessions, so that you will not need to enter your login information again.
Clicking on the Forgot your password? link will enable you to have your password reset. You will get a password reset form where you just enter your email address and click on submit. You will receive a return email with your new password very shortly.