Joint International Meeting of the AMS and the Romanian Mathematical Society in partnership with the Simion Stoilow Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy

The Joint International Meeting of the AMS and the Romanian Mathematical Society (RMS), in partnership with the Simion Stoilow Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy (IMAR), was held in Alba Iulia, Romania, June 27-30, 2013.

"The meeting was a great success in all regards. The scientific program, organized by representatives of both societies, included plenary speakers from each society, and 21 special sessions. The opening ceremony, at which various dignitaries spoke, was followed by a full day of mathematics talks, and a lavish reception in the evening. There was an excursion the second afternoon and a wine tasting/conference dinner the third evening. Everything went without a hitch, and even the weather cooperated." -- Steven Weintraub, AMS Associate Secretary.

Participants came from all over the world, concentrated in the U.S. and Romania, with many from other European countries, others from as far away as South America and East Asia.

The invited speakers were:

  • Viorel Barbu, Universitatea Al. I. Cuza, Stabilization of Navier-Stokes equations by boundary and point feedback controllers
  • Sergiu Klainerman, Princeton University, Are black holes real?
  • George Lusztig, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, On conjugacy classes in the Lie group E8
  • Stefan Papadima, Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy, Geometry of homology jump loci and topology
  • Mihnea Popa, University of Illinois at Chicago, Vanishing theorems and holomorphic one-forms
  • Dan Timotin, Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy, Horn inequalities: Finite and infinite dimensions

Special Sessions, jointly organized by American and Romanian mathematicians:

  • Algebraic Geometry
  • Articulated Systems: Combinatorics, Geometry and Kinematics
  • Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations
  • Commutative Algebra
  • Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science
  • Domain Decomposition Methods and their Applications in Mechanics and Engineering
  • Geometry and Topology of Arrangements of Hypersurfaces
  • Harmonic Analysis and Applications
  • Hopf Algebras, Coalgebras, and their Categories of Representations
  • Local and Nonlocal Models in Wave Propagation and Diffusion
  • Mathematical Finance, Stochastic Analysis, and Partial Differential Equations
  • Mathematical Models in Life and Environment
  • Mathematical Models in Materials Science and Engineering
  • Noncommutative Ring Theory and Applications
  • Nonlinear Evolution Equations
  • Operator Algebra and Noncommutative Geometry
  • Operator Theory and Function Spaces
  • Probability and its Relation to Other Fields of Mathematics
  • Random Matrices and Free Probability
  • Several Complex Variables, Complex Geometry and Dynamics
  • Topics in Geometric and Algebraic Topology

There are more photographs on the University of Alba Iulia website as well as more details on the website of the local organizers about the scientific program, social events, participants, and location. As Weintraub reports, "The city of Alba Iulia is historically important. It dates back to Roman times, and the core of the city, in which the university is located, is surrounded by a medieval wall. The precise name of the university is the University '1 December 1918' of Alba Iulia, commemorating the fact that when Romania was reunified after World War I, the coronation of the King of Romania occurred on that date in the Orthodox Cathedral in Alba Iulia."

International meetings are a valuable addition to the Society's programs that foster contacts and collaborations: Including the AMS's first joint international meeting with the London Mathematical Society in 1992, the AMS has co-sponsored 29 meetings with sister societies in their host countries and in the U.S. Upcoming is the Second Joint International Meeting of the AMS and the Israel Mathematical Union, co-hosted by the Bar-Ilan University and the Tel-Aviv University, June 16 - 19, 2014, in Tel Aviv, Israel.

--- Annette Emerson, AMS Public Awareness Officer