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Invited Addresses and Other Sessions at the 2006 Joint Mathematics Meetings

Joint AMS-MAA Invited Addresses were given by Svetlana Y. Jitmirskaya and László Lovász. AMS Invited Addresses were given by Herbert Edelsbrunner, David Eisenbud, Charles L. Fefferman, Mikhail Kapranov, Hendrik W. Lenstra Jr., Dusa McDuff and Michael Savageau. MAA Invited Addresses were given by Marc Chamberland, Keith J. Devlin, Naomi Fischer, Ben Green, Robert L. Megginson andFrancis E. Su. See the 2006 Joint Mathematics Meetings Program for more information on the Invited Addresses and all the sessions.

AMS president James Arthur
AMS president James Arthur introduces
AMS Colloquium speaker Henrik Lenstra
Hendrik Lenstra, AMS Colloquium Lecturer
audience at colloquim
Audience at Lenstra's AMS Colloquium Lecture
Hendrik Lenstra, AMS Colloquium Lecturer
David Eisenbud gives AMS
Retiring Presidential Address
Eisenbud and Arthur
David Eisenbud and current AMS president James Arthur
Eisenbud Eisenbud audience
László Lovász gives AMS-MAA Invited Address
László Lovász
Lovasz audience Lovasz audience
Lovasz audience Lovasz audience
Dusa McDuff
Dusa McDuff, AMS Invited Address
Dusa McDuff, AMS Invited Address

Other sessions and workshops:

Summers panel TA Workshop
posters posters
posters posters
posters posters

See the booklet of the Bulletin of the AMS Current Events in Mathematics session organized by David Eisenbud, Director, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute.

See more highlights of the 2006 Joint Mathematics Meetings.