The Press Room and Publicity for the Meetings
The AMS Public Awareness Office sent out a news release about the Joint Mathematics Meetings, including selected highlights and some logistical details. This was mailed to local media and to science writers who regularly cover mathematics in national journals. The office also hosted a press room on site, which offered journalists a place to congregate, conduct interviews in person and by phone, read email, write, and enjoy some refreshment. On hand in the press room were press kits with the news release about the meetings, the announcement about the 2003 Mathematics Awareness Month theme, Mathematics and Art, fact sheets about the participating organizations, and the book of Abstracts.
Prior to the meetings the Public Awareness Office also distributed news releases to Maryland college and university media offices regarding their faculty members who were organizers and speakers at the meetings.
The following articles, news releases or notices mentioning the 2003 Joint Mathematics Meetings have been published to date. A number of them relate to Paul Sally's invited address on Saturday, January 18, "Is teaching about mathematics the same as teaching mathematics?"
"American Mathematical Society Honors 13 Scholars," Sarah J. Reese, The Chronicle of Higher Education Daily News, January 17, 2003.
"Educators say harder math classes are needed," George Archibald, The Washington Times, January 19, 2003.
"Prof: Math courses watered down," Marcella S. Kreiter, United Press International, January 18, 2003.
"'Dumbed-down' college math courses ripped by U. of C. prof," Dave Newbart, Chicago Sun Times, January 17, 2003.
"Mathematicians find path less traveled: Simulation of Grand Canyon rafting helps manage overcrowding in the wild," Philip Ball, Nature Science Update, 14 January 2003.
"Numbers add up to fun at the annual math meeting," Dennis O'Brien, The Baltimore Sun, January 17, 2003.
"How a Scribe Learned Math, ca. 1800 B.C.," Charles Seife, Science, January 31, 2003.
"New Skating System Fails Virtual Replay," Charles Seife, Science, January 31, 2003.
"Algorithmics = Has Trim Logic," Barry Cipra, Science, January 31, 2003. "Diagram Masters Cry 'Venn-i, Vidi, Vici'," Barry Cipra, Science, January 31, 2003. "Professor Nakajima was awarded a big prize in Mathematics," a news release from Kyoto University regarding the AMS's 2003 Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Algebra awarded to Hiraku Nakajima, picked up by the Yomiuri, Asahi, Mainichi newspapers, January 18, 2003. "UC San Diego Computer Scientist Wins Prestigious Mathematics Prize," a UCSD news release about Ronald Graham receiving the 2003 Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement, which was dispatched through EurekAlert, Ascribe and NewsWise wire services. "Goucher College Mathematicians to Participate in Joint Math Meetings," a news release on the Goucher College News & Events website. "University of Maryland faculty will be playing important roles at the upcoming annual Joint Mathematics Meetings...," University of Maryland's OutlookOnline, January 14, 2003. Loyola College in Maryland faculty members George Mackiw and Lisa A. Oberbroeckling, participants in the Joint Mathematics Meetings, are included in the "people" column of the college's Bulletin, January 13, 2003. "UMBC Faculty Participate in Upcoming Joint Mathematics Meetings," University of Maryland Baltimore County Insights, "Kudos" column, January 2003. "NYU Mathematician Peter Sarnak Awarded 2003 AMS Conant Prize," NYU Press Releases, January 21, 2003. "Faculty members participate in joint mathematics meeting," News & Events, Salisbury University, January 21, 2003. "Three Princeton mathematics professors have been honored by the American Mathematical Society for their advances in the field," Princeton Weekly Bulletin, February 4, 2003. Also based on talks given at the meetings: "A Race That's About More Than Speed: Richard Tapia, dragster mathematician, seeks to fuel minority scientists and engineers," Scott Smallwood, The Chronicle of Higher Education, March 28, 2003. "Mathematicians Find Problems With New System for Scoring Figure Skating," Richard Monastersky, The Chronicle of Higher Education,, January 31, 2003. The writer interviewed Elyn Ryyken (Muhlenberg College), who gave a talk "The Canadians Should Have Won?" on January 18. --- Annette Emerson, AMS Public Awareness Officer More highlights of the 2003 Joint Mathematics Meetings