AMS Sectional Meeting Program by Special Session
Current as of Tuesday, April 12, 2005 15:08:45
1990 Western Section Meeting
Irvine, CA, November 10-11, 1990
Meeting #862
Associate secretaries: Lance W Small, AMS
Special Session on Operator Theory/Operator Algebras
Saturday November 10, 1990, 7:00 a.m.-9:50 a.m.
Special Session on Operator Theory/Operator Algebras, I
Room 114, Physical Sciences I
7:00 a.m.
A Hankel matrix approach to truncated moment problems.
Raul E. Curto*, University of Iowa
(862-47-57) -
7:30 a.m.
Function algebras on Riemann surfaces and their representations: Induction and dilation.
Palle E. T. J\o rgensen*, University of Iowa
(862-46-89) -
8:00 a.m.
M-ideals and quotients of subdiagonal algebras.
Yiu Tung Poon, Iowa State University
Zhong-Jin Ruan*, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
(862-47-55) -
8:30 a.m.
The structure of twisted SU(3) groups.
Albert Jeu-Liang Sheu*, University of Kansas
(862-46-27) -
9:00 a.m.
Properties of the Haagerup tensor product.
Roger R. Smith*, Texas A\thsp\&\thsp M University, College Station
(862-46-01) -
9:30 a.m.
A Riesz decomposition property and its consequences.
Shuang Zhang*, University of Cincinnati
7:00 a.m.
Saturday November 10, 1990, 1:00 p.m.-4:50 p.m.
Special Session on Operator Theory/Operator Algebras, II
Room 114, Physical Sciences I
1:00 p.m.
Facial structure in operator algebra theory.
Charles A. Akemann*, University of California, Santa Barbara
Gert K. Pedersen, Matematisk Institut, Denmark
(862-46-05) -
1:30 p.m.
Algebras associated with sets of semigroups of isometries.
William Arveson*, University of California, Berkeley
(862-46-91) -
2:00 p.m.
Projective tensor products for operator spaces and non-commutative coactions.
Edward Effros*, University of California, Los Angeles
Zhong-Jin Ruan, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
(862-46-93) -
2:30 p.m.
A dense set of operators with tiny commutants.
Domingo A. Herrero*, Arizona State University
(862-47-03) -
3:00 p.m.
The derived tower of certain type III_lambda inclusions of index 4.
Phan H. Loi*, University of California, Los Angeles
(862-46-04) -
3:30 p.m.
C^*-algebras generated by the elements of a unitary matrix.
Kevin P. McClanahan*, University of California, Los Angeles
(862-46-90) -
4:00 p.m.
Almost multiplicative maps between operator algebras.
Barry E. Johnson*, University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, England
(862-46-87) -
4:30 p.m.
Cohomology for operator algebras.
Frank L. Gilfeather*, University of New Mexico
1:00 p.m.
Sunday November 11, 1990, 7:00 a.m.-9:50 a.m.
Special Session on Operator Theory/Operator Algebras, III
Room 114, Physical Sciences I
7:00 a.m.
Surjective isometries of real C^*-algebras.
Cho-Ho Chu, University of London, England
Truong Dang*, Irvine, CA
Bernard Russo, University of California, Irvine
Belisario Ventura, California State University, San Bernardino
(862-46-92) -
7:30 a.m.
How many exponentials?
N. Christopher Phillips*, University of Oregon
(862-46-02) -
8:00 a.m.
Analyticity in triangular UHF algebras.
Baruch Solel, University of Haifa, Israel
Belisario A. Ventura*, California State University, San Bernardino
(862-46-88) -
8:30 a.m.
Triangular AF algebras.
Alan Hopenwasser*, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa
(862-47-08) -
9:00 a.m.
Duality and harmonic analysis for groups, hypergroups, and groupoids.
Martin E. Walter*, University of Colorado, Boulder
(862-43-97) -
9:30 a.m.
Geometric characterization of B(H,K).
Yaakov Friedman, Jerusalem College of Technology, Israel
Bernard Russo*, University of California, Irvine
7:00 a.m.