AMS Sectional Meeting Full Program
Current as of Tuesday, April 12, 2005 15:10:10
2000 Spring Eastern Sectional Meeting
Lowell, MA, April 1-2, 2000
Meeting #952
Associate secretaries: Lesley M Sibner, AMS
Saturday April 1, 2000
Saturday April 1, 2000, 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Meeting Registration
2nd Floor landing, Olsen Hall -
Saturday April 1, 2000, 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Exhibit and Book Sale
Room 219A, Olsen Hall -
Saturday April 1, 2000, 8:30 a.m.-10:50 a.m.
Special Session on Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, I
Room 406, Olsen Hall
Stanley J. Eigen, Northeastern University
Vidhu S. Prasad, University of Massachusetts, Lowell
8:30 a.m.
Typical dynamics of volume preserving homeomorphisms.
Steve Alpern, London School of Economics
Vidhu S Prasad*, University of Massachusetts Lowell
(952-37-70) -
9:00 a.m.
Flows on the Hilbert Cube.
Bill Goldbloom Bloch*, Wheaton College
(952-37-173) -
9:30 a.m.
Measures on Cantor Space.
Ethan Akin*, CUNY
(952-54-77) -
10:00 a.m.
Monothetic Polish groups.
Eli Glasner*, Harvard University and Tel Aviv University
(952-54-35) -
10:30 a.m.
Topological dynamics on moduli spaces.
Joseph P Previte, Penn State Erie, Behrend College
Eugene Z Xia*, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
8:30 a.m.
Saturday April 1, 2000, 8:30 a.m.-10:50 a.m.
Special Session on Syzygies, I
Room 405, Olsen Hall
Irena Peeva, Cornell University
8:30 a.m.
A Bound on the Multiplicity for Codimension 2 Lattice Ideals.
Leah H Gold*, Cornell University
(952-13-82) -
9:20 a.m.
A vanishing theorem for complete intersections.
Craig Huneke, University of Kansas
David Jorgensen, University of Texas--Arlington and University of Kansas
Roger Wiegand*, University of Nebraska
(952-13-135) -
10:10 a.m.
Finite Determination of Infinite Complexes.
Steven D Cutkosky, University of Missouri-Columbia
Hema Srinivasan*, University of Missouri - Columbia
8:30 a.m.
Saturday April 1, 2000, 8:30 a.m.-10:20 a.m.
Special Session on Vorticity in Fluid Flows: Analysis and Methods, I
Room 304, Olsen Hall
Louis F. Rossi, University of Massachusetts at Lowell
Richard B. Pelz, Rutgers University
John Grant, Naval Undersea Warfare Center
8:30 a.m.
KAM tori in Point Vortex models for Heat Transport in Open Ocean Convection.
Chjan C Lim*, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Andrew J Majda, Courant Institute
(952-76-12) -
9:10 a.m.
Symmetry and Singularity in Incompressible Flows.
Richard B Pelz*, Rutgers University
(952-76-39) -
9:50 a.m.
The Onset of Chaos in Vortex Sheet Roll-Up.
Robert Krasny*, University of Michigan
Monika Nitsche, University of New Mexico
8:30 a.m.
Saturday April 1, 2000, 8:30 a.m.-10:50 a.m.
Special Session on PDE and Dynamical Systems, I
Room 401, Olsen Hall
Walter L. Craig, Brown University
C. Eugene Wayne, Boston University
8:30 a.m.
Smoothness of holonomy map for Anosov foliations.
Misha Guysinsky*, Tufts University
(952-37-152) -
9:00 a.m.
Minimal surfaces and two-convex domains.
Ailana M Fraser*, Brown University
(952-53-128) -
9:30 a.m.
Lipschitzness of invariant foliations in hyperbolic dynamical systems.
Boris Hasselblatt*, Tufts University
(952-37-107) -
10:00 a.m.
Singular Sturm-Liouville Theory on Manifolds.
Rafe Mazzeo, Stanford University
Robert McOwen*, Northeastern University
(952-35-53) -
10:30 a.m.
A Hodge decomposition theorem for certain non-compact Riemannian manifolds.
Daniel W Stroock*, MIT
8:30 a.m.
Saturday April 1, 2000, 8:30 a.m.-10:20 a.m.
Special Session on Volumes on Minkowski and Finsler Spaces, I
Room 305, Olsen Hall
Juan Carlos Alvarez, Universit\'e Catholique de Louvain
Dimitri Burago, Pennsylvania State University
Gaoyong Zhang, Polytechnic University
8:30 a.m.
Definitions of area and relationships between them.
Anthony C. Thompson*, Dalhousie University
(952-52-64) -
9:10 a.m.
Crofton formulas on projective Finsler spaces.
Juan C Alvarez*, Universite Catholique de Louvain
Emmanuel Fernandes, Universite Catholique de Louvain
(952-53-67) -
9:50 a.m.
On minimal two-dimensional surfaces in normed spaces.
Dimitri Burago*, Penn State University
8:30 a.m.
Saturday April 1, 2000, 8:30 a.m.-10:30 a.m.
Special Session on Teaching Mathematics in the New Millennium, I
Room 306, Olsen Hall
Ronald Brent, University of Massachusetts Lowell
8:30 a.m.
Interactive Labs in a Microworld for Abstract Algebra.
Kenneth M Levasseur*, U. of Massachusetts Lowell
(952-97-89) -
9:00 a.m.
The Many Roads to Numeracy.
Dorothy I Wallace*, Dartmouth College
(952-97-62) -
9:30 a.m.
What is a Good Preparation for College? The View from College Mathematics Departments.
Guntram Mueller*, University of Massachusetts Lowell
(952-97-148) -
10:00 a.m.
Mathematics and Science Fiction: An Interdisciplinary Course.
John D Trout*, Dartmouth College
8:30 a.m.
Saturday April 1, 2000, 8:50 a.m.-10:50 a.m.
Special Session on Enumerative Geometry in Physics, I
Room 407, Olsen Hall
Emma Previato, Boston University
8:50 a.m.
Infinitesimal Variations of Hodge Structures at Infinity.
Eduardo Cattani, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Javier Fernandez*, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
(952-14-132) -
9:20 a.m.
Hodge integrals and Hurwitz numbers.
Ravi D Vakil*, MIT
(952-14-120) -
9:50 a.m.
A local proof of Petri's conjecture at the general curve.
Herb Clemens*, University of Utah
(952-14-58) -
10:30 a.m.
Rational Hypergeometric Functions.
Eduardo Cattani*, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Alicia Dickenstein, Universidad de Buenos Aires
Bernd Sturmfels, University of California, Berkeley
8:50 a.m.
Saturday April 1, 2000, 9:00 a.m.-10:50 a.m.
Special Session on Invariance in Convex Geometry, I
Room 404, Olsen Hall
Daniel A. Klain, Georgia Institute of Technology
Elisabeth Werner, Case Western Reserve University
9:00 a.m.
Random polytopes of points chosen from the boundary of a convex set.
Carsten H Schutt*, University of Kiel
Elisabeth M Werner, Case Western Reserve University
(952-52-10) -
9:30 a.m.
Affine surface area and polytopal approximation.
K\'aroly B\"or\"oczky, Jr.*, R\'enyi Institute of Mathematics
(952-52-27) -
10:00 a.m.
Asymptotic expansions for the expected volume of the convex hull of random points.
Christian Buchta*, University of Copenhagen
(952-52-69) -
10:30 a.m.
On Crofton's boundary theorem for the convex hull of random points.
Matthias Reitzner*, Techn. Univ. Vienna, Austria
9:00 a.m.
Saturday April 1, 2000, 9:00 a.m.-10:50 a.m.
Special Session on Quantum Information Theory, I
Room 408, Olsen Hall
M. Beth Ruskai, University of Massachusetts, Lowell
Christopher K. King, Northeastern University
9:00 a.m.
Experimental quantum cryptography systems.
Richard J Hughes*, Los Alamos National Laboratory
(952-94-26) -
9:30 a.m.
Practical quantum cryptography: Under which circumstances is it secure?
Norbert L\"utkenhaus*, Helsinki Institute of Physics
(952-81-75) -
10:00 a.m.
Optimal Encryption of Quantum Bits.
Vwani P Roychowdhury*, University of California Los Angeles
Oscar P Boykin, University of California Los Angeles
(952-81-141) -
10:30 a.m.
Schmidt Modes for Continua in the QI Context.
Konrad Banaszek*, University of Rochester
C. Law, University of Rochester
J. H Eberly, University of Rochester
9:00 a.m.
Saturday April 1, 2000, 9:00 a.m.-10:50 a.m.
Special Session on Discrete Geometry, I
Room 402, Olsen Hall
Robert Connelly, Cornell University
Marjorie Senechal, Smith College
Robert M. Erdahl, Queen's University
Walter J. Whiteley, York University
9:00 a.m.
On lattice coverings with triangles.
Istv\'an Talata*, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
(952-52-144) -
9:30 a.m.
Some new triangulations of the sphere.
Robert J Dawson*, St. Mary's University
(952-52-110) -
10:00 a.m.
An Infinite Family of Prototiles with Heesch Number 5.
Casey Mann*, University of Arkansas
(952-52-176) -
10:30 a.m.
Equivalence and difference for covers on the $n$-cube.
Deborah S. Franzblau*, CUNY, College of Staten Island
George Xenakis, CUNY, College of Staten Island
9:00 a.m.
Saturday April 1, 2000, 11:00 a.m.-11:50 a.m.
Invited Address
Traveling water waves.
Room 214, Ball Hall
Walter Craig*, Brown University
(952-35-03) -
Saturday April 1, 2000, 1:30 p.m.-2:20 p.m.
Invited Address
$L_p$ curvature.
Room 214, Ball Hall
Erwin Lutwak*, Polytechnic University
(952-52-04) -
Saturday April 1, 2000, 2:30 p.m.-4:50 p.m.
Special Session on Invariance in Convex Geometry, II
Room 404, Olsen Hall
Daniel A. Klain, Georgia Institute of Technology
Elisabeth Werner, Case Western Reserve University
2:30 p.m.
Analytic Continuation of Convex Bodies by Projection Areas.
Eric L Grinberg*, Temple University
Eric Todd Quinto, Tufts University
(952-52-158) -
3:00 p.m.
Strip Discrepancy for Nonatomic Colorings.
Allen D. Rogers*, Elmhurst College
(952-52-117) -
3:30 p.m.
A mass transport inequality for the smoothing of a convex set by Minkowski addition of a ball.
Clayton Kerce*, Georgia Institute of Technology
(952-52-137) -
4:00 p.m.
Separoids, Oriented Matroids and the linearization problem.
Javier Bracho*, University Nac. Autonoma de Mexico
(952-52-179) -
4:30 p.m.
Gaussian Processes and Intrinsic Volumes.
Richard A Vitale*, University of Connecticut
2:30 p.m.
Saturday April 1, 2000, 2:30 p.m.-5:20 p.m.
Special Session on Quantum Information Theory, II
Room 408, Olsen Hall
M. Beth Ruskai, University of Massachusetts, Lowell
Christopher K. King, Northeastern University
2:30 p.m.
The entanglement-assisted capacity of a quantum channel.
Charles H Bennett*, IBM Research Division
(952-81-143) -
3:00 p.m.
Positive linear maps and the classification of bipartite entanglement.
Barbara M Terhal*, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
(952-81-171) -
3:30 p.m.
Entanglement Properties of Identical Quantum Systems.
Christopher A Fuchs*, Los Alamos National Laboratory
(952-15-31) -
4:00 p.m.
Maximally entangled chains.
Kevin M O'Connor, Williams College
William K Wootters*, Williams College
(952-81-97) -
4:30 p.m.
Quantum games and quantum algorithms.
David A Meyer*, University of California/San Diego
(952-81-102) -
5:00 p.m.
Quantum Entropy Inequalities and Non-Commutative Gradient Flows.
Eric A Carlen*, Georgia Tech
2:30 p.m.
Saturday April 1, 2000, 2:30 p.m.-4:20 p.m.
Special Session on Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, II
Room 406, Olsen Hall
Stanley J. Eigen, Northeastern University
Vidhu S. Prasad, University of Massachusetts, Lowell
2:30 p.m.
(Non)Invariant Measures for Quasicontinuous Maps.
Annalisa Crannell*, Franklin & Marshall
Marc Frantz, IUPUI
(952-37-11) -
3:00 p.m.
Exactness and Maximal Automorphic Factors of Unimodal Interval Maps.
Henk Bruin, California Institute of Technology
Jane M Hawkins*, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
(952-37-13) -
3:30 p.m.
On Nonsingualr Chacon Transformations.
Toshihiro Hamachi, Kyushu University
Cesar E. Silva*, Williams College
(952-37-87) -
4:00 p.m.
Conjugacies between ergodic transformations and their inverses.
Geoffrey Goodson*, Towson University
2:30 p.m.
Saturday April 1, 2000, 2:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m.
Special Session on Syzygies, II
Room 405, Olsen Hall
Irena Peeva, Cornell University
2:30 p.m.
Hyperplane Arrangement Cohomology and Syzygies.
David Eisenbud, University of California, Berkeley
Sorin E Popescu*, Columbia U and SUNY at Stony Brook
Sergey Yuzvinsky, University of Oregon
(952-15-101) -
3:20 p.m.
Homological properties of powers of the maximal ideal of a local ring.
Liana M Sega*, Purdue University
(952-13-86) -
4:10 p.m.
Betti numbers of general subsets of points on projective varieties.
Mircea I Mustata*, University of California, Berkeley
(952-14-43) -
5:00 p.m.
Cohen-Macaulayness and sqaurefree modules.
Tim Roemer*, University of Essen
(952-13-153) -
5:50 p.m.
Minimum Graded Betti Numbers and Gorenstein Ideals.
Ben P Richert*, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
2:30 p.m.
Saturday April 1, 2000, 2:30 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
Special Session on Vorticity in Fluid Flows: Analysis and Methods, II
Room 304, Olsen Hall
Louis F. Rossi, University of Massachusetts at Lowell
Richard B. Pelz, Rutgers University
John Grant, Naval Undersea Warfare Center
2:30 p.m.
Eulerian Computation of Flows with Concentrated Vorticity Using Vorticity Confinement.
John Steinhoff*, University of Tennessee Space Institute
Yonghu Wenren, Flow Analysis Inc.
Lesong Wang, University of Tennessee Space Institute
Meng Fan, University of Tennessee Space Institute
Min Xiao, University of Tennessee Space Institute
(952-76-61) -
3:10 p.m.
On the existence of two-dimensional, localized, rotating, self-similar vortical structures.
Louis F Rossi*, University of Massachusetts Lowell
James Graham-Eagle, University of Massachusetts Lowell
(952-76-76) -
3:50 p.m.
Nonequivalent statistical equilibrium ensembles and refined stability theorems for most probable flows.
Bruce E Turkington*, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Richard S Ellis, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Kyle Haven, University of Massachuestts, Amherst
(952-76-113) -
4:30 p.m.
Evolution of the Magnitude and Geometry of Vorticity During Inviscid Interaction of Vortex Rings.
John R Grant*, Naval Undersea Warfare Center
Jeffrey S Marshall, University of Iowa
2:30 p.m.
Saturday April 1, 2000, 2:30 p.m.-6:20 p.m.
Special Session on Volumes on Minkowski and Finsler Spaces, II
Room 305, Olsen Hall
Juan Carlos Alvarez, Universit\'e Catholique de Louvain
Dimitri Burago, Pennsylvania State University
Gaoyong Zhang, Polytechnic University
2:30 p.m.
Analytic Continuation of Convex Bodies and Funk's Characterization of the Sphere.
Eric L. Grinberg, Temple University
Eric Todd Quinto*, Tufts University
(952-44-38) -
3:10 p.m.
Fourier Transforms and the Holmes-Thompson Volume of Finsler Manifolds.
Juan C Alvarez, Universite Catholique de Louvain, Belgium
Emmanuel Fernandes*, Universite Catholique de Louvain, Belgium
(952-53-74) -
3:50 p.m.
Double Bubbles and Crystals, Minimizing Surface Area and More General Norms.
Frank Morgan*, Williams College
(952-49-121) -
4:30 p.m.
The discrete ${\hbox{L}}^0$-Minkowski problem.
Alina Stancu*, Universite des Sciences et Technologies de Lille
(952-52-108) -
5:10 p.m.
A new affine invariant for polytopes and Schneider's projection problem.
Erwin Lutwak, Polytechnic University
Deane Yang, Polytechnic University
Gaoyong Zhang*, Polytechnic University
(952-52-115) -
5:50 p.m.
Examples of almost Blaschke manifolds.
Carlos E Duran*, IVIC
2:30 p.m.
Saturday April 1, 2000, 2:30 p.m.-4:15 p.m.
Special Session on Teaching Mathematics in the New Millennium, II
Room 306, Olsen Hall
Ronald Brent, University of Massachusetts Lowell
Saturday April 1, 2000, 2:30 p.m.-5:45 p.m.
Special Session on Enumerative Geometry in Physics, II
Room 407, Olsen Hall
Emma Previato, Boston University
2:30 p.m.
Quantum cohomology and quantum Chow ring of the cubic threefold.
Tom B Graber*, Harvard University
Rahul Pandharipande, California Institute of Technology
(952-14-94) -
3:00 p.m.
Mirror symmetry, cohomology and the chiral ring of Calabi-Yau hypersurfaces in toric varieties.
Anvar R Mavlyutov*, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
(952-14-165) -
3:55 p.m.
Gauge Theory Techniques in Quantum Cohomology I.
Steven Rosenberg, Boston University
Mihaela B Vajiac*, Boston University
(952-14-160) -
4:30 p.m.
Gauge Theory Techniques in Quantum Cohomology II.
Steven Rosenberg*, Boston University
Mihaela Vajiac, Boston University
(952-14-151) -
5:00 p.m.
Mirror Symmetry.
Kentaro Hori*, Harvard University
2:30 p.m.
Saturday April 1, 2000, 2:30 p.m.-4:50 p.m.
Special Session on Discrete Geometry, II
Room 402, Olsen Hall
Robert Connelly, Cornell University
Marjorie Senechal, Smith College
Robert M. Erdahl, Queen's University
Walter J. Whiteley, York University
2:30 p.m.
Recent Results on Untangling Unknots in Space.
Godfried T. Toussaint*, McGill University
(952-52-174) -
3:00 p.m.
The Knitting Problem.
Herman Servatius*, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
(952-52-177) -
3:30 p.m.
Bootstrap Percolation of Convex Defects.
Mikhail Menshikov, Moscow State University and the University of Sao Paulo
Konstantin Rybnikov*, Cornell University
Stanislav Volkov, EURANDOM, the Netherlands
(952-52-168) -
4:00 p.m.
Counting parallel redrawings of equatorial polytopes.
Ethan D. Bolker*, University of Massachusetts - Boston
Victor W. Guillemin, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(952-52-92) -
4:30 p.m.
Symmetric degree of freedom 1 frameworks.
Brigette Servatius*, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
2:30 p.m.
Saturday April 1, 2000, 3:00 p.m.-5:50 p.m.
Special Session on PDE and Dynamical Systems, II
Room 401, Olsen Hall
Walter L. Craig, Brown University
C. Eugene Wayne, Boston University
3:00 p.m.
Strichartz estimates for the Schr\"odinger equation with variable coefficients in lower order terms.
Igor Rodnianski*, Princeton University
(952-35-130) -
3:30 p.m.
Discreteness of spectrum for magnetic Schroedinger operators.
Mikhail A Shubin*, Northeastern University
(952-35-34) -
4:00 p.m.
Stability of modulating fronts in the Swift-Hohenberg equation.
Guido Schneider*, University Bayreuth (Germany)
(952-35-21) -
4:30 p.m.
Propagation of singularities for the wave equation on conic manifolds.
Richard Melrose, MIT
Jared Wunsch*, Columbia University
(952-35-93) -
5:00 p.m.
From Hamiltonian Systems to Kynetic and Macroscopic Dynamic.
Claude W Bardos*, ENS Cachan -CNRS and BROWN University
(952-35-96) -
5:30 p.m.
On Skyrme and Faddeev models.
Lev Kapitanski*, Kansas State University
3:00 p.m.
Saturday April 1, 2000, 5:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m.
Department of Mathematics Reception
Lobby, Alumni Library
Sunday April 2, 2000
Sunday April 2, 2000, 8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Meeting Registration
2nd Floor landing, Olsen Hall -
Sunday April 2, 2000, 8:00 a.m.-10:50 a.m.
Special Session on Discrete Geometry, III
Room 402, Olsen Hall
Robert Connelly, Cornell University
Marjorie Senechal, Smith College
Robert M. Erdahl, Queen's University
Walter J. Whiteley, York University
8:00 a.m.
Locally unitary groups generated by involutory reflections.
Egon Schulte*, Northeastern University
(952-51-123) -
8:30 a.m.
Convexifying Polygons and Straightening Polygonal Arcs.
Robert Connelly, Cornell University
Erik D Demaine*, University of Waterloo
G\"unter Rote, Freie Universit\"at Berlin
(952-52-139) -
9:00 a.m.
Polygonal oriented matroids.
Ileana Streinu*, Smith College
(952-52-167) -
9:30 a.m.
Unified Model for the Classical Geometries with Geometric Algebra.
Timothy F. Havel*, Harvard Medical School
(952-52-175) -
10:00 a.m.
Rigidity Theory Applied to Network Glasses and Proteins.
Michael F Thorpe*, Michigan State University
(952-82-169) -
10:30 a.m.
Constraining Plane Configurations in CAD: Circles, Lines and Angles.
Franco V Saliola*, York University
Walter J Whiteley, York University
8:00 a.m.
Sunday April 2, 2000, 8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Exhibit and Book Sale
Room 219A, Olsen Hall -
Sunday April 2, 2000, 8:30 a.m.-10:50 a.m.
Special Session on Quantum Information Theory, III
Room 408, Olsen Hall
M. Beth Ruskai, University of Massachusetts, Lowell
Christopher K. King, Northeastern University
8:30 a.m.
Theory of Decoherence-Free Subspaces and their Stabilization.
Daniel Lidar*, UC Berkeley
(952-81-88) -
9:00 a.m.
Universal Computation on Decoherence Free Subsystems.
Julia Kempe*, UC Berkeley
(952-81-91) -
9:30 a.m.
Quantum Error Correction for Interaction-induced Errors.
Julio R Gea-Banacloche*, University of Arkansas
(952-81-127) -
10:00 a.m.
Quantum Logic Gate constructions with one-bit teleportation.
Xinlan Zhou*, Stanford University
Debbie Leung, Stanford University
Isaac Chuang, Stanford University
(952-81-170) -
10:30 a.m.
Quantum Computation, the Power of One bit of Quantum Information and Quadratically Signed Weight Enumerators.
Raymond Laflamme*, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Emanuel Knill, Los Alamos National Laboratory
8:30 a.m.
Sunday April 2, 2000, 8:30 a.m.-10:50 a.m.
Special Session on Syzygies, III
Room 405, Olsen Hall
Irena Peeva, Cornell University
8:30 a.m.
Finite regularity and Koszul algebras.
Luchezar L Avramov*, Purdue University
Irena Peeva, Cornell University
(952-13-84) -
9:20 a.m.
Syzygies, Base Points, and Equations of Surfaces.
David A Cox*, Amherst College
(952-13-83) -
10:10 a.m.
Regularity of powers of an ideal sheaf.
Steven D Cutkosky*, University of Missouri
8:30 a.m.
Sunday April 2, 2000, 8:30 a.m.-10:20 a.m.
Special Session on Volumes on Minkowski and Finsler Spaces, III
Room 305, Olsen Hall
Juan Carlos Alvarez, Universit\'e Catholique de Louvain
Dimitri Burago, Pennsylvania State University
Gaoyong Zhang, Polytechnic University
8:30 a.m.
A note on positive centers and the Santalo-Bonnesen inequality.
Michael E Gage*, University of Rochester
(952-52-124) -
9:10 a.m.
Remarks on outer billiards in the hyperbolic plane.
Serge Tabachnikov*, University of Arkansas
(952-51-105) -
9:50 a.m.
The total absolute curvature of hypersurfaces in Minkowski geometries.
Ralph E Howard*, University of South Carolina
8:30 a.m.
Sunday April 2, 2000, 9:00 a.m.-10:50 a.m.
Special Session on Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, III
Room 406, Olsen Hall
Stanley J. Eigen, Northeastern University
Vidhu S. Prasad, University of Massachusetts, Lowell
9:30 a.m.
Mean ergodic theorem and operators in Banach spaces: some examples.
Isaac Kornfeld*, North Dakota State University
(952-28-65) -
10:00 a.m.
A Wiener-Wintner type theorem for admissible superadditive processes.
Dogan Comez*, Department of Mathematics, NDSU, Fargo, ND
(952-28-25) -
10:30 a.m.
Some Applications of Banach Principle in Non-commutative Ergodic Theory.
Semyon N Litvinov*, St. Cloud State University
9:30 a.m.
Sunday April 2, 2000, 9:00 a.m.-10:45 a.m.
Special Session on Teaching Mathematics in the New Millennium, III
Room 306, Olsen Hall
Ronald Brent, University of Massachusetts Lowell
9:00 a.m.
Graphing Calculators Across the Calculus Curriculum.
Marvin E Stick*, UMass Lowell
(952-97-129) -
10:00 a.m.
Mathematical software: making math harder?
Murray Eisenberg*, University of Massachusetts/Amherst
9:00 a.m.
Sunday April 2, 2000, 9:00 a.m.-10:50 a.m.
Special Session on Enumerative Geometry in Physics, III
Room 407, Olsen Hall
Emma Previato, Boston University
9:00 a.m.
Counting representations onto finite groups, and torsion points on characteristic varieties.
Daniel Matei, University of Rochester
Alexander I. Suciu*, Northeastern University
(952-20-57) -
9:30 a.m.
Trigonometric Sums and Moduli Spaces.
Andras Szenes*, MIT
(952-05-126) -
10:00 a.m.
Parabolic G-bundles and products of conjugacy classes.
Chris T Woodward*, Rutgers University
Constantin Teleman, University of Texas at Austin
(952-58-90) -
10:30 a.m.
Real Rational Curves in Grassmannians.
Frank Sottile*, University of Wisconsin, Madison
9:00 a.m.
Sunday April 2, 2000, 10:00 a.m.-10:50 a.m.
Special Session on Invariance in Convex Geometry, III
Room 404, Olsen Hall
Daniel A. Klain, Georgia Institute of Technology
Elisabeth Werner, Case Western Reserve University
10:00 a.m.
Intersection bodies and $L_p$-spaces.
Alexander Koldobsky*, University of Missouri-Columbia
(952-52-17) -
10:30 a.m.
Random sections of a cube.
Yossi Lonke*, Case Western Reserve University
10:00 a.m.
Sunday April 2, 2000, 11:00 a.m.-11:50 a.m.
Invited Address
Quantum information theory.
Room 214, Ball Hall
M. Beth Ruskai*, University of Massachusetts, Lowell
(952-81-06) -
Sunday April 2, 2000, 1:30 p.m.-2:20 p.m.
Invited Address
Variational problems for Riemannian functionals, arithmetic groups, and noncomputable functions.
Room 214, Ball Hall
Alexander Nabutovsky*, University of Toronto -
Sunday April 2, 2000, 2:30 p.m.-4:50 p.m.
Special Session on Invariance in Convex Geometry, IV
Room 404, Olsen Hall
Daniel A. Klain, Georgia Institute of Technology
Elisabeth Werner, Case Western Reserve University
2:30 p.m.
Upper semicontinuous valuations on the space of convex discs.
Monika Ludwig*, University College London
(952-52-71) -
3:00 p.m.
Looking for selectors of star bodies.
Maria Moszynska*, Warsaw, Poland
(952-52-08) -
3:30 p.m.
Invariant valuations on spherical star sets.
Paolo Dulio, Politecnico di Milano
Carla Peri*, Universita' Cattolica S. C. - Milano
(952-52-33) -
4:00 p.m.
Projective center of symmetry.
Luis Montejano*, University Nac. Autonoma de Mexico
(952-52-180) -
4:30 p.m.
Continuous movements of convex bodies.
Stefano Campi*, Università di Modena, Italy
2:30 p.m.
Sunday April 2, 2000, 2:30 p.m.-4:20 p.m.
Special Session on Quantum Information Theory, IV
Room 408, Olsen Hall
M. Beth Ruskai, University of Massachusetts, Lowell
Christopher K. King, Northeastern University
2:30 p.m.
Relative Entropy in Quantum Information Theory.
Michael D Westmoreland*, Denison University
Benjamin W Schumacher, Kenyon College
(952-81-63) -
3:00 p.m.
Stationary quantum source coding.
Denes Petz*, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
(952-94-98) -
3:30 p.m.
Extreme points of completely positive maps on 2x2 complex matrices.
Elisabeth Werner*, Case Western Reserve University
S Szarek, Case Western Reserve University
(952-81-140) -
4:00 p.m.
Minimal entropy of states emerging from noisy quantum channels.
Christopher K King*, Northeastern University
Beth Ruskai, University of Massachusetts Lowell
2:30 p.m.
Sunday April 2, 2000, 2:30 p.m.-4:20 p.m.
Special Session on Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, IV
Room 406, Olsen Hall
Stanley J. Eigen, Northeastern University
Vidhu S. Prasad, University of Massachusetts, Lowell
2:30 p.m.
A counting function and a square function in ergodic theory.
Karin Reinhold*, University at Albany, SUNY
(952-28-125) -
3:00 p.m.
On the Stability of the Helium Atom.
Sam Kaplan*, UNC at Asheville
(952-70-79) -
3:30 p.m.
Dynamics of Superquadratic Root-Finding Algorithms.
Kyle E Kneisl*, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
(952-37-14) -
4:00 p.m.
Complementing and Weak Complementing pairs of integers arising in ergodic theory.
Stanley Eigen*, Northeastern University
2:30 p.m.
Sunday April 2, 2000, 2:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m.
Special Session on Syzygies, IV
Room 405, Olsen Hall
Irena Peeva, Cornell University
2:30 p.m.
Flatness and the construction of Noetherian rings.
William Heinzer, Purdue University
Christel Rotthaus, Michigan State University
Sylvia M. Wiegand*, University of Nebraska - Lincoln
(952-13-106) -
3:20 p.m.
Stability and Jump Loci of a family of bundles on $P^2$.
Henry K Schenck*, Northeastern University
(952-14-22) -
4:10 p.m.
Syzygies and patchwork quilts.
Paul Monsky*, Brandeis University
(952-13-19) -
5:00 p.m.
Is (non-commutative) algebraic geometry part of stable module theory?
Alex Martsinkovsky*, Northeastern University
(952-18-20) -
5:50 p.m.
Free summands of conormal modules and central elements in homotopy Lie algebras of local rings.
Srikanth Iyengar*, University of Sheffield
2:30 p.m.
Sunday April 2, 2000, 2:30 p.m.-6:00 p.m.
Special Session on Enumerative Geometry in Physics, IV
Room 407, Olsen Hall
Emma Previato, Boston University
2:30 p.m.
Geometric Langlands conjecture for $GL(n)$.
Dennis Gaitsgory*, Harvard University
(952-14-161) -
3:10 p.m.
Smoothings of maps from nodal curves to nonsingular surfaces.
Ravi D Vakil*, MIT
(952-14-114) -
3:50 p.m.
The Virtual Fundamental Class of a Complete Intersection.
David A Cox*, Amherst College
(952-14-85) -
4:20 p.m.
The generalized Witten conjecture, integrable hierarchies, and moduli spaces of higher spin curves.
Tyler Jarvis, Brigham Young University
Takashi Kimura*, Boston University
Arkady Vaintrob, New Mexico State University
(952-14-133) -
5:00 p.m.
Algebraic construction of the virtual class for spin cohomological field theories.
Alexander Polishchuk*, Boston University
Arkady Vaintrob, New Mexico State University
(952-14-136) -
5:30 p.m.
Discussion, open questions, proceedings project.
2:30 p.m.
Sunday April 2, 2000, 2:30 p.m.-3:20 p.m.
Special Session on Discrete Geometry, IV
Room 402, Olsen Hall
Robert Connelly, Cornell University
Marjorie Senechal, Smith College
Robert M. Erdahl, Queen's University
Walter J. Whiteley, York University
2:30 p.m.
Plane geometric constraints: angles on lines.
Melissa Bousfield, Toronto, Ontario
Katherine Coulthard, Sutton District High School
Linh Duong, Toronto, Ontario
David Moskovitz, University of Toronto
Walter J. Whiteley*, York University
(952-52-146) -
3:00 p.m.
Voronoi zonotopes and Delaunay dicings.
Robert Erdahl*, Queen's University
2:30 p.m.