AMS Sectional Meeting Program by Special Session
Current as of Tuesday, April 12, 2005 15:10:12
2000 Fall Western Section Meeting
San Francisco, CA, October 21-22, 2000
Meeting #958
Associate secretaries: Bernard Russo, AMS
Special Session on History of Mathematics
Saturday October 21, 2000, 8:30 a.m.-10:50 a.m.
Special Session on History of Mathematics, I
Room 317, HSS Building
Shawnee McMurran, California State University San Bernardino
James J. Tattersall, Providence College
8:30 a.m.
Solving Victorian Math Problems: A Senior Project.
Shawnee L McMurran*, California State University San Bernardino
(958-01-257) -
9:00 a.m.
Arabic Algebra Before (?) al-Khwarizmi.
Barnabas Hughes*, California State Univesity, Northridge
(958-01-48) -
9:30 a.m.
Mina Rees and Her Influence on Mathematical Research.
Amy E Shell*, United States Military Academy
(958-01-117) -
10:00 a.m.
The evolutionary origins of mathematical ability: Preliminary Report.
Keith Devlin*, St Mary's College of California
(958-01-84) -
10:30 a.m.
The functional equation of the Riemann zeta function.
Jennifer E Beineke*, Trinity College
8:30 a.m.
Saturday October 21, 2000, 3:00 p.m.-5:20 p.m.
Special Session on History of Mathematics, II
Room 317, HSS Building
Shawnee McMurran, California State University San Bernardino
James J. Tattersall, Providence College
3:00 p.m.
Nineteenth-century Developments in Geometric Probability: J.J. Sylvester, M. Crofton, J.-E. Barbier, and J. Bertrand.
Eugene Seneta, University of Sydney
Karen V. Parshall*, University of Virginia
Francois Jongmans, University of Liege
(958-01-97) -
3:30 p.m.
G.H. Hardy, the London Mathematical Society, and the rise of British pure mathematical research in the first half of the 20th century.
Adrian C Rice*, Randolph-Macon College
(958-01-133) -
4:00 p.m.
Statistics in the U.S. Comes of Age: A Case Study in American Influence Abroad, Preliminary report.
Patti W Hunter*, Westmont College
(958-01-130) -
4:30 p.m.
Mathematics and Politics: Shaping the Mathematical Landscape in Post-Unification Italy.
Laura Martini*, University of Virginia
(958-01-98) -
5:00 p.m.
Quadric, cubic, and quartic cones.
Anatoly B. Korchagin*, Texas Tech University
3:00 p.m.
Sunday October 22, 2000, 8:30 a.m.-10:50 a.m.
Special Session on History of Mathematics, III
Room 317, HSS Building
Shawnee McMurran, California State University San Bernardino
James J. Tattersall, Providence College
8:30 a.m.
The Josephus Problem Revisited.
James J Tattersall*, Providence College
(958-01-128) -
9:00 a.m.
Gerbert: A Guy in the Right Place at the Right Time.
Betty Mayfield*, Hood College
(958-01-124) -
9:30 a.m.
The Collapse of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge.
Kristen S Moore*, University of Michigan
(958-01-281) -
10:00 a.m.
Symbolical Algebra as a Foundation for Calculus: D. F. Gregory's Contributions.
Patricia R. Allaire, CUNY Queensborough
Robert E. Bradley*, Adelphi University
(958-01-45) -
10:30 a.m.
Geometry Civilized and Churches Astronomized.
John L Heilbron*, University of California, Berkeley
8:30 a.m.