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AMS Sectional Meeting Invited Addresses

Current as of Tuesday, April 12, 2005 15:10:33

Program  |  Deadlines  |  Registration/Housing/Etc.  |  Inquiries:

2003 Joint Central and Western Section Meeting
Boulder, CO, October 2-4, 2003
Meeting #989

Associate secretaries:
Susan J Friedlander, AMS
Michel L Lapidus, AMS,

Invited Addresses

  • J. Brian Conrey, American Institute of Mathematics, Random matrix theory and the Riemann zeta-function
  • Giovanni Forni, Northwestern University, Deviation of ergodic averages for rational polygonal billiards.
  • Juha M. Heinonen, University of Michigan, Nonsmooth calculus.
  • Joseph D Lakey, New Mexico State University, Recent progress in time-frequency analysis.
  • Albert Schwarz, University of California Davis, Maximally supersymmetric gauge theories.
  • Brooke Shipley, Purdue University, Rings up to homotopy.
  • Avi Wigderson, Institute for Advanced Study, Some Insights of Computational Complexity Theory.