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AMS Sectional Meeting Invited Addresses

Current as of Tuesday, April 12, 2005 15:10:34

Program  |  Deadlines  |  Registration/Housing/Etc.  |  Inquiries:

2003 Fall Southeastern Section Meeting
Chapel Hill, NC, October 24-25, 2003
Meeting #991

Associate secretaries:
John L Bryant, AMS

Invited Addresses

  • James N. Damon, University of North Carolina, Scale-based geometry and its role in computer imaging.
  • Erica L. Flapan, Pomona College, Topological symmetry groups of graphs embedded in the 3-sphere.
  • Mary Ann Horn, Vanderbilt University, Mathematical modeling and challenges in the development of drug resistance.
  • Helmut Voelklein, University of Florida, Interactions between group theory and algebraic curves via Riemann's existence theorem.