AMS Sectional Meeting Unscheduled Events
Current as of Thursday, March 8, 2007 00:28:05
2007 Spring Eastern Section Meeting
Hoboken, NJ, April 14-15, 2007 (Saturday - Sunday)
Meeting #1026
Associate secretaries: Lesley M Sibner, AMS
The program published here is continually updated and may be more current than the printed program. The following material has been posted without being proofread in order to provide you with the most current information.
Invited Address
Stormy marriage---A Periodizaton of the History of the Relationship between Mathematics and Cryptography.
Neal Koblitz*, University of Washington, Seattle
(1026-94-03) -
Invited Address
Values of arithmetic functions.
Florian Luca*, Universidad Nacional Aut\'onoma de M\'exico
(1026-11-01) -
Invited Address
The enigma of the equations of fluid motion: A survey of existence and regularity results.
Natasa Pavlovic*, Princeton University
(1026-35-02) -
Invited Address
Convex bodies: Best and random approximation.
Elisabeth Werner*, Case Western Reserve University
(1026-52-04) -
Session on Contributed Paper Session