AMS Sectional Meeting Special Sessions
Current as of Saturday, April 21, 2007 00:32:17
2007 Spring Eastern Section Meeting
Hoboken, NJ, April 14-15, 2007 (Saturday - Sunday)
Meeting #1026
Associate secretaries: Lesley M Sibner, AMS lsibner@duke.poly.edu
Links to abstracts will be available approximately one week (for sectional meetings) to four weeks (for national meetings) after the abstracts deadline.
Special Sessions
- Special Session on Affine Invariants, Randomness, and Approximation in Convex Geometry
- Elisabeth Werner, Case Western Reserve University elisabeth.werner@case.edu
- Artem Zvavitch, Kent State University zvavitch@math.kent.edu
- Special Session on Automorphic Forms and Arithmetic Geometry
- Gautam Chinta, City College of New York chinta@sci.ccny.cuny.edu
- Paul E. Gunnells, University of Massachusetts, Amherst gunnells@math.umass.edu
- Special Session on Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry
- Angela C. Gibney, University of Pennsylvania agibney@math.upenn.edu
- Diane Maclagan, Rutgers University maclagan@math.rutgers.edu
- Special Session on Convex Sets
- David Larman, University College London
- Valeriu Soltan, George Mason University vsoltan@gmu.edu
- Special Session on Differential Algebra
- Phyllis J. Cassidy, Smith College and The City College of CUNY
- Richard C. Churchill, Hunter College and The Graduate Center of CUNY
- Li Guo, Rutgers University at Newark
- William F. Keigher, Rutgers University at Newark
- Jerald J. Kovacic, The City College of CUNY jkovacic@verizon.net
- William Sit, The City College of CUNY
- Special Session on Fourier Analysis and Convexity
- Alexander Koldobsky, University of Missouri Columbia koldobsk@math.missouri.edu
- Dmitry Ryabogin, Kansas State University ryabs@math.ksu.edu
- Special Session on Graph Theory and Combinatorics
- Daniel J. Gross, Seton Hall University grossdan@shu.edu
- Nathan W. Kahl, Seton Hall University kahlnath@shu.edu
- John T. Saccoman, Seton Hall University saccomjt@shu.edu
- Charles L. Suffel, Stevens Institute of Technology csuffel@stevens.edu
- Special Session on History of Mathematics on Leonhard Euler's Tercentenary
- Patricia R. Allaire, Queensborough Community College, CUNY pallaire@qcc.cuny.edu
- Robert E. Bradley, Adelphi University bradley@adelphi.edu
- Lee J. Stemkoski, Adelphi University stemkoski@adelphi.edu
- Special Session on Languages and Groups
- Sean Cleary, The City College of New York and CUNY Graduate Center cleary@sci.ccny.cuny.edu
- Murray J. Elder, Stevens Institute of Technology murrayelder@gmail.com
- Gretchen Ostheimer, Hofstra University gretchen.ostheimer@hofstra.edu
- Special Session on Mathematical Aspects of Cryptography
- Robert H. Gilman, Stevens Institute of Technology rgilman@stevens.edu
- Neal I. Koblitz, University of Washington koblitz@math.washington.edu
- Susanne Wetzel, Stevens Institute of Technology swetzel@stevens.edu
- Special Session on Nonlinear Waves in Dissipative/Dispersive Media
- Keith S. Promislow, Michigan State University kpromisl@math.msu.edu
- Yi Li, Stevens Institute of Technology yili@cs.stevens.edu
- Special Session on Number Theory
- Florian Luca, Universidad Nacional Aut\'onoma de M\'exico fluca@matmor.unam.mx
- Allison M. Pacelli, Williams College allison.pacelli@williams.edu
- Special Session on Optimization of Stochastic Systems
- Darinka Dentcheva, Stevens Institute of Technology ddentche@stevens.edu
- Andrzej Ruszczynski, Rutgers University