AMS Sectional Meeting Special Events
2011 Spring Eastern Section Meeting
College of the Holy Cross
Worcester, Massachusetts, April 9-10, 2011 (Saturday - Sunday)
Meeting #1070
Associate secretary:
Steven H Weintraub, AMS
Conference Banquet There will be a conference banquet taking place on April 9 from 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. in the Hogan Campus Center. It will be an international buffet dinner with a cost of US$30 per person including tax and tip. There will also be a cash bar. Attendance will be limited to 100 people and guests may reserve a seat in advance. The deadline for purchasing tickets to this function is March 25, 2011, two weeks prior to the start of the meeting. Payment should be made by check made payable to the College of the Holy Cross and mailed to: AMS Banquet Reservation/Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Attn: Ms. Gail Haddad, College of the Holy Cross, 1 College St., Worcester, MA 01610. Special Performance A block of tickets has been reserved for a performance of "Breaking the Code", Saturday, April 9, 8:00 p.m. at the Central Square Theater. "Breaking the Code" is Hugh Whitemore's play about Alan Turing, and this is a production of the Catalyst Collaborative@MIT, the science theater collaboration between the Underground Railway Theater and MIT. Performances are enhanced by post-show conversations featuring renowned scientists and mathematicians. Central Square Theater is located in Cambridge, MA, and can be reached by car. The driving distance is approximately 43 miles and the driving time is under one hour on the Massachusetts Turnpike. The group rate for conference participants is US$25. To attend the performance at the group rate, tickets must be paid for in advance by check. The check should be made out to "College of the Holy Cross" and with the comment "Breaking the Code", please also indicate the number of tickets requested. Checks must be received by Friday, March 18, 2011, to obtain the group rate. Please mail checks to: Ms. Gail Hadad, Attn: Breaking the Code, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, College of the Holy Cross, 1 College St., Worcester, MA 01610. |