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< 06Exx | 06-XX | >
06-XX Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures [See also 18B35]
06Fxx Ordered structures
06F05   Ordered semigroups and monoids [See also 20Mxx]
06F07   Quantales
06F10   Noether lattices
06F15   Ordered groups [See also 20F60]
06F20   Ordered abelian groups, Riesz groups, ordered linear spaces [See also 46A40]
06F25   Ordered rings, algebras, modules {For ordered fields, see 12J15} [See also 13J25, 16W80]
06F30   Ordered topological structures [See also 06B30, 22A26, 54F05, 54H12]
06F35   BCK-algebras, BCI-algebras [See also 03G25]
06F99   None of the above, but in this section
< 06Exx | 06-XX | >
American Mathematical Society