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< 13Bxx | 13-XX | 13Dxx >
13-XX Commutative algebra
13Cxx Theory of modules and ideals in commutative rings
13C05   Structure, classification theorems for modules and ideals in commutative rings
13C10   Projective and free modules and ideals in commutative rings [See also 19A13]
13C11   Injective and flat modules and ideals in commutative rings
13C12   Torsion modules and ideals in commutative rings
13C13   Other special types of modules and ideals in commutative rings
13C14   Cohen-Macaulay modules [See also 13H10]
13C15   Dimension theory, depth, related commutative rings (catenary, etc.)
13C20   Class groups [See also 11R29]
13C40   Linkage, complete intersections and determinantal ideals [See also 14M06, 14M10, 14M12]
13C60   Module categories and commutative rings
13C70   Theory of modules and ideals in commutative rings described by combinatorial properties [See also 05C25, 05E40]
13C99   None of the above, but in this section
< 13Bxx | 13-XX | 13Dxx >
American Mathematical Society