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< 18Axx | 18-XX | 18Cxx >
18-XX Category theory; homological algebra {For commutative rings, see 13Dxx; for associative rings, see 16Exx; for groups, see 20Jxx; for topological groups and related structures, see 57Txx; for algebraic topology, see also 55Nxx, 55Uxx}
18Bxx Special categories
18B05   Categories of sets, characterizations [See also 03-XX]
18B10   Categories of spans/cospans, relations, or partial maps
18B15   Embedding theorems, universal categories [See also 18E20]
18B20   Categories of machines, automata [See also 03D05, 68Qxx]
18B25   Topoi [See also 03G30, 18F10]
18B35   Preorders, orders, domains and lattices (viewed as categories) [See also 06-XX]
18B40   Groupoids, semigroupoids, semigroups, groups (viewed as categories) [See also 20Axx, 20L05, 20Mxx]
18B50   Extensive, distributive, and adhesive categories
18B99   None of the above, but in this section
< 18Axx | 18-XX | 18Cxx >
American Mathematical Society