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< 20Jxx | 20-XX | 20Lxx >
20-XX Group theory and generalizations
20Kxx Abelian groups
20K01   Finite abelian groups {For sumsets, see 11B13, 11P70}
20K10   Torsion groups, primary groups and generalized primary groups
20K15   Torsion-free groups, finite rank
20K20   Torsion-free groups, infinite rank
20K21   Mixed groups
20K25   Direct sums, direct products, etc. for abelian groups
20K27   Subgroups of abelian groups
20K30   Automorphisms, homomorphisms, endomorphisms, etc. for abelian groups
20K35   Extensions of abelian groups
20K40   Homological and categorical methods for abelian groups
20K45   Topological methods for abelian groups [See also 22A05, 22B05]
20K99   None of the above, but in this section
< 20Jxx | 20-XX | 20Lxx >
American Mathematical Society