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< 20Mxx | 20-XX | 20Pxx >
20-XX Group theory and generalizations
20Nxx Other generalizations of groups
20N02   Sets with a single binary operation (groupoids) {For groupoids in connection with category theory, see 20L05; for topological groupoids, see 22A22, 58H05}
20N05   Loops, quasigroups [See also 05Bxx]
20N10   Ternary systems (heaps, semiheaps, heapoids, etc.)
20N15   $n$-ary systems $(n\ge 3)$
20N20   Hypergroups
20N25   Fuzzy groups [See also 03E72]
20N99   None of the above, but in this section
< 20Mxx | 20-XX | 20Pxx >
American Mathematical Society