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< 28Axx | 28-XX | 28Cxx >
28-XX Measure and integration {For analysis on manifolds, see 58-XX}
28Bxx Set functions, measures and integrals with values in abstract spaces
28B05   Vector-valued set functions, measures and integrals [See also 46G10]
28B10   Group- or semigroup-valued set functions, measures and integrals
28B15   Set functions, measures and integrals with values in ordered spaces
28B20   Set-valued set functions and measures; integration of set-valued functions; measurable selections [See also 26E25, 54C60, 54C65, 91B14]
28B99   None of the above, but in this section
< 28Axx | 28-XX | 28Cxx >
American Mathematical Society