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< 37Exx | 37-XX | 37Gxx >
37-XX Dynamical systems and ergodic theory [See also 26A18, 28Dxx, 34Cxx, 34Dxx, 35Bxx, 46Lxx, 58Jxx, 70-XX]
37Fxx Dynamical systems over complex numbers [See also 30D05, 32H50]
37F05   Dynamical systems involving relations and correspondences in one complex variable
37F10   Dynamics of complex polynomials, rational maps, entire and meromorphic functions; Fatou and Julia sets [See also 32A10, 32A20, 32H02, 32H04]
37F12   Critical orbits for holomorphic dynamical systems
37F15   Expanding holomorphic maps; hyperbolicity; structural stability of holomorphic dynamical systems
37F20   Combinatorics and topology in relation with holomorphic dynamical systems
37F25   Renormalization of holomorphic dynamical systems
37F31   Quasiconformal methods in holomorphic dynamics; quasiconformal dynamics
37F32   Fuchsian and Kleinian groups as dynamical systems
37F34   Teichmüller theory; moduli spaces of holomorphic dynamical systems
37F35   Conformal densities and Hausdorff dimension for holomorphic dynamical systems
37F40   Geometric limits in holomorphic dynamics
37F44   Holomorphic families of dynamical systems; holomorphic motions; semigroups of holomorphic maps
37F46   Bifurcations; parameter spaces in holomorphic dynamics; the Mandelbrot and Multibrot sets
37F50   Small divisors, rotation domains and linearization in holomorphic dynamics
37F75   Dynamical aspects of holomorphic foliations and vector fields [See also 32M25, 32S65, 34Mxx]
37F80   Higher-dimensional holomorphic and meromorphic dynamics
37F99   None of the above, but in this section
< 37Exx | 37-XX | 37Gxx >
American Mathematical Society