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< 37Lxx | 37-XX | 37Nxx >
37-XX Dynamical systems and ergodic theory [See also 26A18, 28Dxx, 34Cxx, 34Dxx, 35Bxx, 46Lxx, 58Jxx, 70-XX]
37Mxx Approximation methods and numerical treatment of dynamical systems {For numerical analysis, see also 65Pxx; for software etc., see 37-04}
37M05   Simulation of dynamical systems
37M10   Time series analysis of dynamical systems
37M15   Discretization methods and integrators (symplectic, variational, geometric, etc.) for dynamical systems
37M20   Computational methods for bifurcation problems in dynamical systems
37M21   Computational methods for invariant manifolds of dynamical systems
37M22   Computational methods for attractors of dynamical systems
37M25   Computational methods for ergodic theory (approximation of invariant measures, computation of Lyapunov exponents, entropy, etc.)
37M99   None of the above, but in this section
< 37Lxx | 37-XX | 37Nxx >
American Mathematical Society