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< 46Bxx | 46-XX | 46Exx >
46-XX Functional analysis {For manifolds modeled on topological linear spaces, see 57Nxx, 58Bxx}
46Cxx Inner product spaces and their generalizations, Hilbert spaces {For function spaces, see 46Exx}
46C05   Hilbert and pre-Hilbert spaces: geometry and topology (including spaces with semidefinite inner product)
46C07   Hilbert subspaces (= operator ranges); complementation (Aronszajn, de Branges, etc.) [See also 46B70, 46M35]
46C15   Characterizations of Hilbert spaces
46C20   Spaces with indefinite inner product (Kreĭn spaces, Pontryagin spaces, etc.) [See also 47B50]
46C50   Generalizations of inner products (semi-inner products, partial inner products, etc.)
46C99   None of the above, but in this section
< 46Bxx | 46-XX | 46Exx >
American Mathematical Society