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< 54Gxx | 54-XX | 54Jxx >
54-XX General topology {For the topology of manifolds of all dimensions, see 57Nxx}
54Hxx Connections of general topology with other structures, applications
54H05   Descriptive set theory (topological aspects of Borel, analytic, projective, etc. sets) [See also 03E15, 26A21, 28A05]
54H10   Topological representations of algebraic systems [See also 22-XX]
54H11   Topological groups (topological aspects) [See also 22A05]
54H12   Topological lattices, etc. (topological aspects) [See also 06B30, 06F30]
54H13   Topological fields, rings, etc. (topological aspects) [See also 12Jxx] {For algebraic aspects, see 13Jxx, 16W80}
54H15   Transformation groups and semigroups (topological aspects) [See also 20M20, 22-XX, 57Sxx]
54H25   Fixed-point and coincidence theorems (topological aspects) [See also 47H10, 55M20]
54H30   Applications of general topology to computer science (e.g., digital topology, image processing) [See also 68U03]
54H99   None of the above, but in this section
< 54Gxx | 54-XX | 54Jxx >
American Mathematical Society