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< 57Mxx | 57-XX | 57Pxx >
57-XX Manifolds and cell complexes {For complex manifolds, see\newline 32Qxx}
57Nxx Topological manifolds
57N16   Geometric structures on manifolds of high or arbitrary dimension [See also 57M50]
57N17   Topology of topological vector spaces
57N20   Topology of infinite-dimensional manifolds [See also 58Bxx]
57N25   Shapes (aspects of topological manifolds) [See also 54C56, 55P55, 55Q07]
57N30   Engulfing in topological manifolds
57N35   Embeddings and immersions in topological manifolds
57N37   Isotopy and pseudo-isotopy
57N40   Neighborhoods of submanifolds
57N45   Flatness and tameness of topological manifolds
57N50   $S^{n-1}\subset E^n$, Schoenflies problem
57N55   Microbundles and block bundles [See also 55R60, 57Q50]
57N60   Cellularity in topological manifolds
57N65   Algebraic topology of manifolds
57N70   Cobordism and concordance in topological manifolds
57N75   General position and transversality
57N80   Stratifications in topological manifolds
57N99   None of the above, but in this section
< 57Mxx | 57-XX | 57Pxx >
American Mathematical Society