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< 76Bxx | 76-XX | 76Exx >
76-XX Fluid mechanics {For general continuum mechanics, see 74Axx, or other parts of 74-XX}
76Dxx Incompressible viscous fluids
76D03   Existence, uniqueness, and regularity theory for incompressible viscous fluids [See also 35Q30]
76D05   Navier-Stokes equations for incompressible viscous fluids [See also 35Q30]
76D06   Statistical solutions of Navier-Stokes and related equations [See also 60H30, 76M35]
76D07   Stokes and related (Oseen, etc.) flows
76D08   Lubrication theory
76D09   Viscous-inviscid interaction
76D10   Boundary-layer theory, separation and reattachment, higher-order effects
76D17   Viscous vortex flows
76D25   Wakes and jets
76D27   Other free boundary flows; Hele-Shaw flows
76D33   Waves for incompressible viscous fluids
76D45   Capillarity (surface tension) for incompressible viscous fluids [See also 76B45]
76D50   Stratification effects in viscous fluids
76D55   Flow control and optimization for incompressible viscous fluids [See also 49Q10, 93C20, 93C95]
76D99   None of the above, but in this section
< 76Bxx | 76-XX | 76Exx >
American Mathematical Society