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< 81Uxx | 81-XX | >
81-XX Quantum theory
81Vxx Applications of quantum theory to specific physical systems
81V05   Strong interaction, including quantum chromodynamics
81V10   Electromagnetic interaction; quantum electrodynamics
81V15   Weak interaction in quantum theory
81V17   Gravitational interaction in quantum theory [See also 83Cxx, 83Exx]
81V19   Other fundamental interactions in quantum theory
81V22   Unified quantum theories
81V25   Other elementary particle theory in quantum theory
81V27   Anyons
81V35   Nuclear physics
81V45   Atomic physics
81V55   Molecular physics [See also 92E10]
81V60   Mono-, di- and multipole moments (EM and other), gyromagnetic relations
81V65   Quantum dots as quasi particles [See also 82D20]
81V70   Many-body theory; quantum Hall effect
81V72   Particle exchange symmetries in quantum theory (general)
81V73   Bosonic systems in quantum theory
81V74   Fermionic systems in quantum theory
81V80   Quantum optics
81V99   None of the above, but in this section
< 81Uxx | 81-XX | >
American Mathematical Society