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< 83Bxx | 83-XX | 83Dxx >
83-XX Relativity and gravitational theory
83Cxx General relativity
83C05   Einstein's equations (general structure, canonical formalism, Cauchy problems)
83C10   Equations of motion in general relativity and gravitational theory
83C15   Exact solutions to problems in general relativity and gravitational theory
83C20   Classes of solutions; algebraically special solutions, metrics with symmetries for problems in general relativity and gravitational theory
83C22   Einstein-Maxwell equations
83C25   Approximation procedures, weak fields in general relativity and gravitational theory
83C27   Lattice gravity, Regge calculus and other discrete methods in general relativity and gravitational theory
83C30   Asymptotic procedures (radiation, news functions, $\mathcal{H} $-spaces, etc.) in general relativity and gravitational theory
83C35   Gravitational waves
83C40   Gravitational energy and conservation laws; groups of motions
83C45   Quantization of the gravitational field
83C47   Methods of quantum field theory in general relativity and gravitational theory [See also 81T20]
83C50   Electromagnetic fields in general relativity and gravitational theory
83C55   Macroscopic interaction of the gravitational field with matter (hydrodynamics, etc.)
83C56   Dark matter and dark energy
83C57   Black holes
83C60   Spinor and twistor methods in general relativity and gravitational theory; Newman-Penrose formalism
83C65   Methods of noncommutative geometry in general relativity [See also 58B34]
83C75   Space-time singularities, cosmic censorship, etc.
83C80   Analogues of general relativity in lower dimensions
83C99   None of the above, but in this section
< 83Bxx | 83-XX | 83Dxx >
American Mathematical Society