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< 93Dxx | 93-XX | >
93-XX Systems theory; control {For optimal control, see 49-XX}
93Exx Stochastic systems and control
93E03   Stochastic systems in control theory (general)
93E10   Estimation and detection in stochastic control theory [See also 60G35]
93E11   Filtering in stochastic control theory [See also 60G35]
93E12   Identification in stochastic control theory
93E14   Data smoothing in stochastic control theory
93E15   Stochastic stability in control theory
93E20   Optimal stochastic control [See also 49J55, 49K45]
93E24   Least squares and related methods for stochastic control systems
93E35   Stochastic learning and adaptive control
93E99   None of the above, but in this section
< 93Dxx | 93-XX | >
American Mathematical Society