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< 97Pxx | 97-XX | >
97-XX Mathematics education
97Uxx Educational material and media and educational technology in mathematics education
97U10   Comprehensive works on educational material and media and educational technology in mathematics education
97U20   Textbooks, textbook research (aspects of mathematics education)
97U30   Teachers' manuals and planning aids (aspects of mathematics education)
97U40   Problem books, competitions, examinations (aspects of mathematics education)
97U50   Computer-assisted instruction, e-learning (aspects of mathematics education)
97U60   Manipulative materials (aspects of mathematics education)
97U70   Technological tools, calculators (aspects of mathematics education)
97U80   Audiovisual media (aspects of mathematics education)
97U99   None of the above, but in this section
< 97Pxx | 97-XX | >
American Mathematical Society