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< 11Uxx | 11-XX | 11Zxx >
11-XX Number theory
11Yxx Computational number theory {For software etc., see~11-04} [See also 68W30]
11Y05   Factorization
11Y11   Primality
11Y16   Number-theoretic algorithms; complexity [See also 68Q25]
11Y35   Analytic computations
11Y40   Algebraic number theory computations
11Y50   Computer solution of Diophantine equations
11Y55   Calculation of integer sequences
11Y60   Evaluation of number-theoretic constants
11Y65   Continued fraction calculations (number-theoretic aspects)
11Y70   Values of arithmetic functions; tables
11Y99   None of the above, but in this section
< 11Uxx | 11-XX | 11Zxx >
American Mathematical Society