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< 32Exx | 32-XX | 32Gxx >
32-XX Several complex variables and analytic spaces {For infinite-\newline dimensional holomorphy, see also 46G20, 58B12}
32Fxx Geometric convexity in several complex variables
32F10   $q$-convexity, $q$-concavity
32F17   Other notions of convexity in relation to several complex variables
32F18   Finite-type conditions for the boundary of a domain
32F27   Topological consequences of geometric convexity
32F32   Analytical consequences of geometric convexity (vanishing theorems, etc.)
32F45   Invariant metrics and pseudodistances in several complex variables
32F99   None of the above, but in this section
< 32Exx | 32-XX | 32Gxx >
American Mathematical Society