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< 46Nxx | 46-XX | 46Txx >
46-XX Functional analysis {For manifolds modeled on topological linear spaces, see 57Nxx, 58Bxx}
46Sxx Other (nonclassical) types of functional analysis [See also 47Sxx]
46S10   Functional analysis over fields other than $\mathbb{R}$ or $\mathbb{C}$ or the quaternions; non-Archimedean functional analysis [See also 12J25, 32P05]
46S20   Nonstandard functional analysis [See also 03H05]
46S30   Constructive functional analysis [See also 03F60]
46S40   Fuzzy functional analysis [See also 03E72]
46S50   Functional analysis in probabilistic metric linear spaces
46S60   Functional analysis on superspaces (supermanifolds) or graded spaces [See also 58A50, 58C50]
46S99   None of the above, but in this section
< 46Nxx | 46-XX | 46Txx >
American Mathematical Society