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< 47Hxx | 47-XX | 47Lxx >
47-XX Operator theory
47Jxx Equations and inequalities involving nonlinear operators [See also 46Txx] {For global and geometric aspects, see 58-XX}
47J05   Equations involving nonlinear operators (general) [See also 47H10, 47J25]
47J06   Nonlinear ill-posed problems [See also 35R25, 47A52, 65F22, 65J20, 65L08, 65M30, 65R30]
47J07   Abstract inverse mapping and implicit function theorems involving nonlinear operators [See also 46T20, 58C15]
47J10   Nonlinear spectral theory, nonlinear eigenvalue problems [See also 49R05]
47J15   Abstract bifurcation theory involving nonlinear operators [See also 34C23, 37Gxx, 58E07, 58E09]
47J20   Variational and other types of inequalities involving nonlinear operators (general) [See also 49J40]
47J22   Variational and other types of inclusions [See also 34A60, 49J21, 49K21]
47J25   Iterative procedures involving nonlinear operators [See also 47J26, 65J15]
47J30   Variational methods involving nonlinear operators [See also 58Exx]
47J35   Nonlinear evolution equations [See also 34G20, 35K90, 35L90, 35Qxx, 35R20, 37Kxx, 37Lxx, 47H20, 58D25]
47J40   Equations with nonlinear hysteresis operators [See also 34C55, 74N30]
47J99   None of the above, but in this section
< 47Hxx | 47-XX | 47Lxx >
American Mathematical Society