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< 47Jxx | 47-XX | 47Nxx >
47-XX Operator theory
47Lxx Linear spaces and algebras of operators [See also 46Lxx]
47L05   Linear spaces of operators [See also 46A32, 46B28]
47L07   Convex sets and cones of operators [See also 46A55]
47L10   Algebras of operators on Banach spaces and other topological linear spaces
47L15   Operator algebras with symbol structure
47L20   Operator ideals [See also 47B10]
47L22   Ideals of polynomials and of multilinear mappings in operator theory
47L25   Operator spaces (= matricially normed spaces) [See also 46L07]
47L30   Abstract operator algebras on Hilbert spaces
47L35   Nest algebras, CSL algebras
47L40   Limit algebras, subalgebras of $C^*$-algebras
47L45   Dual algebras; weakly closed singly generated operator algebras
47L50   Dual spaces of operator algebras
47L55   Representations of (nonselfadjoint) operator algebras
47L60   Algebras of unbounded operators; partial algebras of operators
47L65   Crossed product algebras (analytic crossed products)
47L70   Nonassociative nonselfadjoint operator algebras
47L75   Other nonselfadjoint operator algebras
47L80   Algebras of specific types of operators (Toeplitz, integral, pseudodifferential, etc.)
47L90   Applications of operator algebras to the sciences
47L99   None of the above, but in this section
< 47Jxx | 47-XX | 47Nxx >
American Mathematical Society