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< | 53-XX | 53Bxx >
53-XX Differential geometry {For differential topology, see 57Rxx; for foundational questions of differentiable manifolds, see 58Axx}
53Axx Classical differential geometry
53A04   Curves in Euclidean and related spaces
53A05   Surfaces in Euclidean and related spaces
53A07   Higher-dimensional and -codimensional surfaces in Euclidean and related $n$-spaces
53A10   Minimal surfaces in differential geometry, surfaces with prescribed mean curvature [See also 49Q05, 49Q10, 53C42]
53A15   Affine differential geometry
53A17   Differential geometric aspects in kinematics
53A20   Projective differential geometry
53A25   Differential line geometry
53A30   Differential geometry of submanifolds of Möbius space
53A35   Non-Euclidean differential geometry
53A40   Other special differential geometries
53A45   Differential geometric aspects in vector and tensor analysis
53A55   Differential invariants (local theory), geometric objects
53A60   Differential geometry of webs [See also 14C21, 20N05]
53A99   None of the above, but in this section
< | 53-XX | 53Bxx >
American Mathematical Society