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< 55Rxx | 55-XX | 55Txx >
55-XX Algebraic topology
55Sxx Operations and obstructions in algebraic topology
55S05   Primary cohomology operations in algebraic topology
55S10   Steenrod algebra
55S12   Dyer-Lashof operations
55S15   Symmetric products and cyclic products in algebraic topology
55S20   Secondary and higher cohomology operations in algebraic topology
55S25   $K$-theory operations and generalized cohomology operations in algebraic topology [See also 19D55, 19Lxx]
55S30   Massey products
55S35   Obstruction theory in algebraic topology
55S36   Extension and compression of mappings in algebraic topology
55S37   Classification of mappings in algebraic topology
55S40   Sectioning fiber spaces and bundles in algebraic topology
55S45   Postnikov systems, $k$-invariants
55S91   Equivariant operations and obstructions in algebraic topology [See also 19L47]
55S99   None of the above, but in this section
< 55Rxx | 55-XX | 55Txx >
American Mathematical Society