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< 57Pxx | 57-XX | 57Rxx >
57-XX Manifolds and cell complexes {For complex manifolds, see\newline 32Qxx}
57Qxx PL-topology
57Q05   General topology of complexes
57Q10   Simple homotopy type, Whitehead torsion, Reidemeister-Franz torsion, etc. [See also 19B28]
57Q12   Wall finiteness obstruction for CW-complexes
57Q15   Triangulating manifolds
57Q20   Cobordism in PL-topology
57Q25   Comparison of PL-structures: classification, Hauptvermutung
57Q30   Engulfing
57Q35   Embeddings and immersions in PL-topology
57Q37   Isotopy in PL-topology
57Q40   Regular neighborhoods in PL-topology
57Q45   Knots and links (in high dimensions) {For the low-dimensional case, see 57M25}
57Q50   Microbundles and block bundles [See also 55R60, 57N55]
57Q55   Approximations in PL-topology
57Q60   Cobordism and concordance in PL-topology
57Q65   General position and transversality
57Q91   Equivariant PL-topology
57Q99   None of the above, but in this section
< 57Pxx | 57-XX | 57Rxx >
American Mathematical Society