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< 57Rxx | 57-XX | 57Txx >
57-XX Manifolds and cell complexes {For complex manifolds, see\newline 32Qxx}
57Sxx Topological transformation groups [See also 20F34, 22-XX, 37-XX, 54H15, 58D05]
57S05   Topological properties of groups of homeomorphisms or diffeomorphisms
57S10   Compact groups of homeomorphisms
57S15   Compact Lie groups of differentiable transformations
57S17   Finite transformation groups
57S20   Noncompact Lie groups of transformations
57S25   Groups acting on specific manifolds
57S30   Discontinuous groups of transformations
57S99   None of the above, but in this section
< 57Rxx | 57-XX | 57Txx >
American Mathematical Society